Baby Parenting

Medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding

An estimated 83% of new mothers in the United States breast-feed at some time during the postpartum period. Globally, more than half of women take one or more medications in the months after delivery — and the figure may be much higher in the United States.  Using the more conservative estimate of 50%, up to 1.5 million lactating women who gave birth in the United States in 2017 and their infants were exposed to medications and their potential effects. But since few clinical studies have explored the effects of drugs on lactation or on lactating women and their children,  health care providers often lack the evidence they need to counsel women on medication safety and breast-feeding.

Over the past several decades, various organizations have recognized the paucity of data in this area and tried to address it. In 1983, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Drugs identified and reviewed the secretion of pharmacologic agents in breast milk and the potential effects on infants, and the AAP issued subsequent consensus reports on this topic in 1989, 1994, and 2001.

In 2006, the National Library of Medicine launched the online database LactMed (, which has been critical in providing both clinicians and patients with information on the effects of various drugs on lactation and on the levels of these substances in breast milk and infant blood. LactMed relies on a consensus panel to review the scientific literature about individual medications; the panel then makes educated decisions regarding which medications may be safe during lactation, which medications require lactating women to discard their breast milk, and which medications may be suitable alternatives to those currently used.

Regrettably, the information available to guide these decisions is limited at best: 54% of the 1408 products in the LactMed database as of November 2018 had accompanying recommendations that were based on no lactation-specific data, and only 2% had recommendations that were based on strong data. Similarly, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looked at 575 prescription drug and biologic products with labelling approved between 2015 and 2017, it found that only 15% of products included data on human lactation.  Lactation-related post marketing studies had been performed for only 11 products, and these studies enrolled a combined total of 27 lactating women.

The importance of including pregnant and lactating women in clinical research has been recognized since at least 1985, when it was addressed in a report by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Task Force on Women’s Health Issues. It wasn’t until two decades later, however, that the FDA published guidance for industry on conducting studies in lactating women, and another 10 years elapsed before the agency sponsored national meetings on the safety of drugs used during lactation.

Finally, in 2017, the 21st Century Cures Act established the Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women to evaluate the safety of medications and biologic products used during pregnancy and lactation and provide recommendations to the secretary of HHS.

The group’s report, published in September 2018, highlights the lack of data on the safe use of medications for pregnant and lactating women. In a review of original research-based articles published between 2006 and 2017 — including basic science and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies; randomized, controlled trials; cohort studies; and case series and reports — the report identified roughly 7000 articles related to pregnancy and only 340 addressing lactation.

In keeping with these findings, federal funding allocated to research on breast-feeding, lactation, and breast milk has been extremely limited. In 2017, National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for research on these topics totalled $92 million, or 0.3% of the agency’s budget. In comparison, the NIH spent almost $6 billion on cancer research and $1.1 billion on diabetes research.

Medications used during lactation are considered “on label” when they are used for an indication for which the FDA has approved their use in nonlactating women. Women with hypertension, for example, commonly take antihypertensive medications during pregnancy and post partum. Unfortunately, although studies of the effects of such medications in lactating women are feasible,  the lack of existing data hinders both dosing and counseling.

Changes in women’s physiology and in milk composition during the postpartum period add to the complexity of optimizing dosing and evaluating safety. In addition to studies on maternal pharmacology and transfer of substances to infants, there is a need for research that captures the effect of changing maternal physiology as well as differences in the levels of various medications in foremilk (initial milk) and hindmilk.

Another challenge facing lactating women and their physicians is that some lactation-specific conditions, such as inadequate milk supply, lack FDA-approved therapies. As a result, women use medications approved for other conditions or dietary supplements to address lactation-related issues. For example, metoclopramide, a medication used in gastroesophageal reflux disease, is commonly used off label in the United States for increasing milk supply.

Its efficacy for this indication is unclear, however, and it carries a risk of serious side effects, including depression and heart palpitations. The herbal supplement fenugreek has also been cited as improving milk supply, but dietary supplements don’t require FDA review or approval. The effect of such products on long-term maternal and child health is therefore unknown.

Despite these challenges, there are opportunities that could substantially improve our understanding of the effects of medications on lactation. Since many women take both prescription and non-prescription medications while breast-feeding, opportunistic studies are a viable option for evaluating dosing, efficacy, and safety. Inclusion of lactating women in phase 1 and 2 clinical trials would also provide information regarding dosing and efficacy.

Studies focused on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics can be performed on fairly small cohorts of patients and still provide data regarding drug dosing and safety.  These studies could be followed by larger-scale, phase 3 and 4 clinical trials for indicated therapies.

The benefits of breast-feeding for both mothers and infants have been well documented and include reduced infant morbidity and mortality and lower rates of childhood infections, leukaemia, obesity, and diabetes; potentially improved cognitive development among children; and reduced rates of maternal premenopausal breast cancer, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

We are fortunate that in the United States, barriers to breast-feeding have been reduced as a result of federal efforts to facilitate lactation in the workplace.  Finally, as of 2018, all 50 states have laws that specifically allow women to breast-feed in any public or private location. In addition, professional societies such as the AAP recommend exclusive breast-feeding for the first 6 months after birth.

Given the national push to encourage breast-feeding, women who are lactating will probably represent a growing percentage of the population. Despite this trend, we are no closer to answering the question, “Is it safe?” for many medications used during lactation. In the absence of clinical and pharmacologic studies that include pregnant and lactating women, health care providers will continue to counsel their pregnant and lactating patients without adequate information on the safety, efficacy, and appropriate dosing of therapeutic products. Given the ultimate impact of breast-feeding on more than 80% of the U.S. population, efforts to fill the void with definitive conclusions about safety are critical for public health.




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Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips for Infants

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life but when all of that excitement wears off it can be overwhelming and even scary.

Learning how to parent an infant is going to take practice.

It is important to remember that no two infants are alike so what worked for your first child is not likely to work for your second.

For a while it is a guessing game while you find out what is going to work for you.

There are many areas for which you might need parenting tips to help you with your infant.

These include nursing, soothing, sleeping, taking care of yourself, getting dad more involved, and how to handle yourself when you are out with your infant.

Parenting Tips for Nursing Success

Reach Out for Help – Statistics show that moms who are willing to ask for help are more likely to stick with nursing and are likely to nurse for a longer period of time.

Get Help after Birth – While you are still in the hospital it is important to get the help that you can for nursing.

Be Prepared – Nursing is a process and if you are counting down the minutes your baby is going to feel your anxiety.

So find ways to remain relaxed when your baby needs to nurse.

Parenting Tips for Soothing Your Infant

Swaddle – Many infants feel well connected to you when they are swaddled.

This also can help to soothe them because it reminds them of when they were in the womb.

Music Helps – Music can help you to relax which is good for trying to soothe your infant when they are upset.

They might also feel that music is soothing, especially if you listened to a lot of music while you were pregnant.

Learn Your Own Tricks – Since everyone’s infant is different there is sure to be a soothing trick that is going to work for your little one but you will have to figure out what it is first.

Some suggestions might be bouncing, rocking, or dancing with your baby.

Parenting Tips for Sleeping

Ignore How Tired You Are – If you want to have an infant that sleeps well then you will need to take a different approach.

It is a good idea for you to ignore how tired you might feel to help reduce your own stress which could make it harder for your baby to sleep as well.

Take Turns Sleeping – When there are two parents it is essential that both parents take turns sleeping and waking with the new infant.

If only one parent works outside of the home then weekends are a great time for them to step up to night time duty while the stay at home partner can get some rest.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Naps – Many new moms try to do too much while their infant is sleeping.

It is a great idea to take naps and spend time sleeping on the same schedule as your little one.

Parenting Tips for How to Handle Being Out

Get Help – Ask your mom friends about their best tips for going out with their little ones or ask someone to go out with you to help with your new infant.

Grandparents, other family members, and close friends are likely to be excited to help you.

Have a Bag Ready – Keeping a fully stocked diaper bag ready to go is a great tool for getting out the door easily.

Make sure to clean out the bag and repack it each time that you come home so that it is always ready to go.

Embrace Things – Learning to go with the flow and embrace what is happening at the moment is essential when you are going out with your infant.

These tips are great for being able to help you with parenting your infant.

Your baby’s sense of security and feeling loved comes from having all of their needs met each day.

So why not establish a regular routine that helps them determine what to expect throughout their day?

It will make it easier for you to tend to all their daily needs.

Though your child’s needs will change as they grow, there are steps you can take to be prepared to meet their needs and yours.

From diapering to sleeping to soothing baths, our experts have answers to your most pressing questions about your baby’s development.

In this series of videos,

you’ll discover how to choose clothing that benefits your baby’s learning and development;

which activities foster your little one’s thinking and engage their motor skills;

and why routines are essential to your baby’s confidence and overall well-being.

Check out our collection of videos to learn how you can best meet your growing baby’s daily needs.

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Infant is a word that came from the Latin term, infans, which means speechless or not capable of speaking.

An infant is a pretty young offspring, also known as a baby.

An infant who is born within day, weeks or hours from birth is called a newborn.

The word “newborn,” include post-mature infants, full term newborns and premature infants.

In medical books, the word newborn (neonate) refers to babies who are between the 1st 28 days from birth.


Toddler is a young kid, who has freshly learned to walk.

During this stage, the kid learns about motor skills, social roles and begins using his/her first language.

This is a crucial stage in development and is noted for their negativistic manner.

They habitually say no which, in reality, it’s a yes.

They are also little explorers, and they are basically curious on everything.

Difference between Infant and Toddler

Infant and toddler are both children. However, infants are younger (under 1 year old) than toddlers (1 to 3 years.).

Infants start crawling in this age while toddlers are beginning to walk and stand.

In communicating, an infant’s cry is its basic communication while a toddler begins to say 2-word phrases.

Infants don’t have teeth while toddlers have a number of teeth, and they are continuously growing.

Infants only drink milk through breastfeeding or in bottles while toddlers are starting to eat solid foods by using a spoon but still drink milk.

Infants can barely hold objects, as for toddlers, they are happy throwing and picking up objects.

Infant and toddler have basic needs.

These necessities are essential for their healthy growth and development.

Parents or the people who look after these children should have enough patience in dealing with them.

Parenting Tips for Toddlers

Parenting a toddler is hard work.

It can be such a challenging time for parents to figure out how to discipline, help cultivate their child, and keep their child healthy.

Parenting tips for toddlers offer you an excellent choice for own needs.

10 Parenting Tips for Toddlers

What You Need to Keep Your Toddler Safe

Toddlers are hard to keep safe because they explore, climb, and get into everything.

Remember to keep all medications in child-proof bottles and out of the reach of your toddler.

Also, you should make sure that you are following all car seat recommendations and that you keep your child rear facing for as long as possible and in a five-point harness until they are long past their toddler years.

Give Your Child Positive Attention

Spend time with your toddler getting to know them.  Read, play games, do crafts, and spend time learning about the things that your toddler enjoys.

Doing these things will help your child to have a happy early childhood and will help you to maintain a close relationship with them as they get older.

Feed Your Child What They Need to Stay Healthy

Toddlers have a lot of health needs that are often neglected by parents because they do not realize how important they are.

Toddlers need meals that are balanced and snacks that come from whole food sources.

Toddlers should not be drinking sugary drinks or excessive amounts of juice.

Learn How to Help Your Child Speak

Many toddlers have speech issues and concerns.

If you feel that your child is not in tune with where they should be, then you should talk to your healthcare provider.

Between the ages of 7 and 15 months, your child should start by saying mama and dada.

Then when your child is between the period of 11 and 22 months, they should have between four to six words that you can recognize and that they understand the meaning of.

Finally, when your child is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven months, they should be able to say fifty or more words.

Show Your Child How Much You Love Them

Make sure that you express your love to your child.  Show your child that you love them by hugging and kissing them.

Also be sure to tell your child that you love them often, especially when they are having a bad day or struggling with something.

Help Your Child Master Potty Training

Potty training is tough.  One of the things that you can do with your child is helping them to learn how they can master their potty training.

This means that you will help your child come up with a plan that can work with them as well.

Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums are something that is going to happen with a toddler.

They are inevitable.

However, the way that you handle them is going to drastically change how long they last and with the intensity that they have.

Remember not to give in to temper tantrums but look for cues that your child is about to have one so that you can help them react positively instead.

Be Consistent with Your Child

Consistency in parenting is key.  It is especially important during the toddler years when children are learning about decision making and consequences.

Parenting Tips  for Picky Eaters

If you have a picky eater, you might have to get creative with what you are feeding them.

Continue to offer new choices and do not be afraid to offer incentives for trying new foods.

If your child is asking for more berries but has not tried their vegetable, tell them that if they try their vegetable that they will get the berries that they want.

Talk to Your Child

You will also want to talk to your child.

Toddlers are developing their personality so it is going to be fun to talk to your child and learn who they are becoming.

Ask them questions and listen to their answers.

Play with them, tell them stories and have them tell you your own stories.

Learning how to be a great parent to toddlers is vital for you to be able to have success with parenting when your child gets older.

Doing these things can help you with your ability to make it through the toddler years experiencing greater joy than you might have expected.


With so many options available in the toy aisles today, it’s no wonder many parents feel overwhelmed when shopping for play items for their little one.

The best toys for your growing baby are ones that support their development and encourage them to reach, stretch and concentrate.

Yes, that’s right, concentrate!

But, what do those toys look like?

And, how will you know which ones are safe and developmentally appropriate for your baby?

In this series of videos, our experts offer advice on what kinds of activities are best for babies ages six to nine months old.

Some of their suggestions might surprise you and may make you think twice about how to engage and stimulate your child.

Consider the tips in these tutorials to help you select toys that will delight your child’s senses, motivate their movement and inspire their sense of discovery.

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How to boost confidence – In Your Child

How to Increase Self Confidence in Your Kids


Having self confident kids in today’s world is quite the challenge.

Everywhere you look there are images of what “beauty” is considered to be.  Sadly most of these images are of body shapes and looks that are just not obtainable by the majority of the population.  Trying to curb the effect that these images have on your kids can be tough.

There are some things that each parent can do to try and boost their kids’ self esteem.  The following tips can really help you, I know because they have really helped me.

Child Development and Building Confidence in Children

Tip 1 – Be a Good Role Model

Many parents, myself included, fall into the trap of talking bad about ourselves around our kids.  This is terrible for your children because it teaches them to be critical of their own appearance.  It can also teach them to think that you do not see them as beautiful because if they look like you and you hate how you look how could you love how they look?

Kids who have parents that have a good sense of self and high self esteem are more likely to have high self esteem themselves.  Children will learn how to act in different situations by watching how their parents act.  So show your kids how confident you are and if you are not confident, learn to fake it for your kids’ sake.

Tip 2 – Be Sure to Use Encouragement with Your Kids

Many kids feel overwhelmed in new situations or with new experiences.  You need to be ready to encourage your kids so that they are willing to try new things.  Encouraging your child will help your child to have a higher sense of self self and more self esteem.

You should encourage your kids the first few times that they try anything new.  This is important because it will help them to get up the nerve that they need to do something for the first time.  No matter how hard the task is for them make sure that you stay encouraging.

Pay attention to what you say to your kids when they are completing new tasks.  Even sweeping the floor for the first time is going to take some work and might not be done right but over time kids will improve.  Make sure that you do not make your kids feel inadequate at any time.

Tip 3 – Have Your Kids Try New Things

It can be natural for a parent to try and protect their kids in a new situation.  If your kid has not experienced something before make sure that you encourage them to try it.  When you encourage your kids to try new things, you teach them to not be afraid of the unknown.  This is a life long lesson that will help your kid when they are older as well.

Each new experience that your kids have helps them to gain more self confidence.  So when your kids want to try new sports, attend different classes, or go to places that you might not have been encourage them to try it out.  Do remind them with a sport or class that there is a commitment that they will have to stick to.

Tip 4 – Do Not Compare

One of the worst things that parents can do is compare their kids to each other.  This not only attacks their self esteem but it also causes them to have resentment towards each other.  When you do not compare your kids you teach them that they are each unique and that this is okay.

There are times when a comparison might be appropriate to teach one of your kids how they should be acting in a certain situation.  However this is something that should not be done on a regular basis.

Tip 5 – Do Not Overreact

One of the things that you should try not to do is overreact to things.  No matter what your child does you should react calmly.  Learn to not make things such a big deal.  If you overreact then you are attacking your kids’ confidence.

When you overreact to a small mistake it can make your kids feel stupid.  It can also make them feel like a failure or like they can not do something the right way.  This will result in your child having a low sense of self and a very low self worth.

The next thing that you teach your kids when overreacting is that life is tough and that even the small things in life are hard to handle.  This will make them less willing to face the world around them.

Tip 6 – Take Adventures

Parents who are adventurous will teach their kids that they should not fear the unknown.  Trying and doing new things teaches your kids to try and do new things.  It also teaches them that it is acceptable to do new things that they might not have done before.

This way of thinking is going to encourage kids to try new things in the future.

Tip 7 – Show Your Kids Trust

Trusting your kids is a great way to instantly boost their self esteem and self confidence.  One easy way that you can show that you trust them is by giving them a specific chore or responsibility and resisting your urge to control that situation.

Different ways that you can show that you trust your kids include allowing them to purchase something at the store on their own or even asking them to help take care of younger siblings.  To pick the right task to help your kids raise their self esteem think of something that they have not previously done, that they have the ability to do well, and that will be safe for them to complete.

Tip 8 – Give Them Time to Grow

When your kids are learning new skills do not rush them.  Let them learn at their own pace.  Each one of your kids might learn the same skill at a different pace as well.

What comes easily or naturally for one might be difficult for the others.

If there is too much pressure for a kid to perform at a level that they are not ready for then it will bring down their confidence in themselves.


You can help your kids to have more self confidence.  Raising kids is hard but these tips can help you to ensure that you are going to be able to give your kids the confidence that they need to conquer the world.

Most parents do not attack their kids’ confidence on purpose either which is part of what makes the whole thing so difficult.  Be careful that you are constantly reminded that your kids are just kids and not adults so do not expect too much out of them.

However it is a great idea to let your kids learn how to do things on their own so that they will build their own confidence and have a higher self esteem.

Confidence – In Your Child


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Jessica Ruby When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, maybe you’ve heard this advice before:

“Be more confident.”

And most likely, this is what you think when you hear it:

“If only it were that simple.”

But what is confidence?

Take the belief that you are valuable, worthwhile, and capable, also known as self-esteem, add in the optimism that comes when you are certain of your abilities, and then empowered by these, act courageously to face a challenge head-on.

This is confidence.

It turns thoughts into action.

So where does confidence even come from?

There are several factors that impact confidence.

One: what you’re born with, such as your genes, which will impact things like the balance of neurochemicals in your brain.

Two: how you’re treated.

This includes the social pressures of your environment.

And three: the part you have control over, the choices you make, the risks you take, and how you think about and respond to challenges and setbacks.

It isn’t possible to completely untangle these three factors, but the personal choices we make certainly play a major role in confidence development.

So, by keeping in mind a few practical tips, we do actually have the power to cultivate our own confidence.

Tip 1: a quick fix.

There are a few tricks that can give you an immediate confidence boost in the short term.

Picture your success when you’re beginning a difficult task, something as simple as listening to music with deep bass; it can promote feelings of power.

You can even strike a powerful pose or give yourself a pep talk.

Tip two: believe in your ability to improve.

If you’re looking for a long-term change, consider the way you think about your abilities and talents.

Do you think they are fixed at birth, or that they can be developed, like a muscle?

These beliefs matter because they can influence how you act when you’re faced with setbacks.

If you have a fixed mindset, meaning that you think your talents are locked in place, you might give up, assuming you’ve discovered something you’re not very good at.

But if you have a growth mindset and think your abilities can improve, a challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Neuroscience supports the growth mindset.

The connections in your brain do get stronger and grow with study and practice.

It also turns out, on average, people who have a growth mindset are more successful, getting better grades, and doing better in the face of challenges.

Tip three: practice failure.

Face it, you’re going to fail sometimes.

Everyone does. J.K. Rowling was rejected by twelve different publishers before one picked up “Harry Potter.

” The Wright Brothers built on history’s failed attempts at flight, including some of their own, before designing a successful airplane.

Studies show that those who fail regularly and keep trying anyway are better equipped to respond to challenges and setbacks in a constructive way.

They learn how to try different strategies, ask others for advice, and perservere.

So, think of a challenge you want to take on, realize it’s not going to be easy, accept that you’ll make mistakes, and be kind to yourself when you do.

Give yourself a pep talk, stand up, and go for it.

The excitement you’ll feel knowing that whatever the result, you’ll have gained greater knowledge and understanding.

This is confidence..

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Confidence first. How do children find their self-esteem?

Kids build self-confidence from learning new things, so when they have an opportunity to try out a new game or to climb a new climber or to pull on their shoes for the first time, that’s when they master something, and you build up a sense of mastery through competition, and that’s when you built confidence.

It’s trial and succeeding.

The more and more of those you have, the more confident and self-aware and happy you become. Our kids do learn not only from successes but mistakes, or they’re not quite there or failures.

We as parents often don’t want our parents to struggle or feel don’t if they don’t succeed, and yet, that’s how they learn is through that trial and error and through really trying to build up their knowledge and experience base. So parents have a two-fold job in teaching their kids about self-confidence and self-esteem.

They to have provided experiences and be an emotional pillar and someone for no matter success or failure, someone to come home to.

That’s right.

Our kids need that secure base.

They need to know their parents are going to love them, be predictable.

They are the foundation.

From there, they can explore.

The more we can give them those Jen riching experiences with arts, with music, with foods, with physical challenges, the more they get to explore what are their limits and what things they enjoy and want to learn more about. I think we’ve come back to the same theme so often when we talk about improving the lives of your kids.

It’s spending time with them.

Right, and exposing them to new things, it’s not about the status quo.

That’s right. It’s always the balance of learning from your child, let them lead some of the games, some people call it a child’s play, bring them to the experiences, to the museum, musical show, to the library and read to them.

All of those things where you expand their world and also allow self-direction is building self-confidence.

Parents are hesitant to let their kids explore they hate the negative.

They hate when it doesn’t work out.

How can you learn from the negative moments, too?

When we give our kids a chance to struggle a bit, like with my twins that I have at home, the 4-year-old’s getting direction in the morning, when they struggle and put their shoes on on the wrong side.

We say whoops, something went wrong here, what happened?

Oh, the shoes are on the wrong side, so then they can switch them.

Learning from the struggle from mistakes helps to cement, right is right and left is left, and I can do it myself.

I feel right about that.

There is a difference when someone tells you something, and you learn it on your own, and you’ll remember it if you figure out the mistake on your own.

That’s right.

There are three sentences that I want to hit home while we finish up.

First is mastery comes through repetition.

Our kids, we see this in their play.

They play certain games over and over again.

I the mommy, you’re the daddy, we’re having a baby.

We’re cooking in the kitchen.

That’s mastery through repetition, doing things over and over again to feel a sense of control over it.

Your next is self-confidence comes through success.

Like our kids when we were talking earlier have those challenges that are just challenging enough and succeed at those, that’s self-confidence.

Your last tip is self-esteem comes from self-respect, and that is so important to develop.

That’s right. Self-respect is learning to control yours, learning your limits and learning to challenge yourself.

That self-esteem disgust of feeling good about yourself.

Again, that comes back to that secure base, that foundation of this training.

Developing a Healthy SelfEsteem in Your Child

Children with healthy selfesteems try hard in school, get along well with others, hold a “cando” attitude about life, and feel positive about their environment.

They can accept ups and downs graciously.

The opposite is true of children who suffer from low selfesteems.

These children compare themselves to others and never feel they have done well enough.

They are frustrated easily and fear risk and challenge.

Children with low selfesteems can easily fall prey to peer pressure, eating disorders, and other dangers.
You can help a child who has a low selfesteem by examining the reasons behind it.

You can also encourage the continuity of those children who have healthy selfesteems.

By using a positive, cando attitude in your home, you will pass that attitude on to your child.

Try the following ideas to encourage a positive selfesteem:


Children learn by example. If you hold a high selfesteem and think positively, odds are your child will to.

If you suffer from a low selfesteem you will need to examinyour current patterns of thinking and work on changing them.

This does not mean you need to be a Pollyanna but you should search for the positive side of things.

When your child comes to you with a problem, ask questions and pursue the positive side.

The same goes for how you act in your own endeavors. When things go wrong look for the up side.

Parent’s often will sit and tell the humorous stories of their past.

There is probably much more your child would like to hear.

When your child comes to you with a dilemma, share your own experience. Even though you may be years apart your child may find relief that you have had times of selfdoubt and concern.

If your child uses statements like “I can’t” or other statements that show he is frustrated or giving up, ask “Why can’t you?”

Asking these questions may frustrate your child and you may hear answers like “I don’t know… I just can’t!”

Try bringing the subject up later when the intensity of the situation has lessened. Then ask “Earlier today you said you could not solve that puzzle, why don’t you think you could solve it?”

By exploring reasons together you may find the source of a low selfesteem.

Another way to increase selfesteem is to emphasize a child‘s strong points.

If he is good in art but doesn’t do well in sportswork with him and praise him on his art.

By developing a feeling of confidence in one area, that confidence may spread into another area of a child‘s life.

Praise and encouragement are essential vitamins for a child.

Encourage all children and praise them for situations where they put their “all” into it, no matter what the result.

Fillinyour vocabulary with positive statements and providing a positive environment are big steps in helpinyour child build a healthy selfesteem.


Getting Your Kids to Eat Fruits & Veggies

The media is always reminding parents about the prevalence of obesity in young children.

Not only is daily activity and exercise a necessary component, but so is eating healthy.

One of the most important food groups is vegetables, which provide kids with much-needed nutrients and antioxidants.

It also happens to be the least favorite food group among kids.

Yet just because  veggies don’t live up to the taste of chocolate doesn’t mean there is no hope.

In fact, with a little determination, kids can learn to love the taste of veggies.

The sooner vegetables are worked into kids’ palates, the more likely they will be to try and like them.

In fact, studies show that pregnant women who eat veggies are more likely to have infants that like them.

If nursing a young infant, it’s also worthwhile to incorporate vegetables into the diet, as the baby will learn to enjoy the tastes that are passed through the milk.

Once solids are incorporated into a baby’s diet, he or she will be more apt to enjoying the taste of veggies .

For an added benefit, puree vegetables and stick to seasonal varieties that are freshest.

This limits salt and sugar additives, as well as encourages young children to enjoy the natural tastes of veggies.

Once children reach the age of four, they become more resistant to trying new foods, so use the first few years as an opportunity to offer a wide palate of vegetables.

Children ages 2 to 6 should have at least three servings of vegetables each day.

An example of a serving is a ½ cup chopped vegetables, a medium potato or ¾ cup of vegetable juice.

To meet these needs, serve a cup of juice with breakfast, ½ cup peas and carrots with lunch and sweet potato wedges at dinner.

When part of a normal routine, children won’t balk at the sight of vegetables.

There is more to eating vegetables than just offering them, however.

Some children are naturally resistant to trying new and unfamiliar foods.

Try serving the vegetables in creative ways that are enticing to kids.

One idea is ants on a log, which is made by placing cream cheese on celery sticks and lining them with raisins.

Also let kids take part in cooking by offering recipes where they get to make their own tacos or veggie pizzas.

No matter how much children resist, continue to offer vegetables.

Make sure to serve the same meals to the whole family, and set a good example by also eating a wide variety of vegetables.

Children learn best by example.

When children do work up the courage to try new foods, don’t make a big deal.

Show them that vegetables are a standard part of any diet and don’t require a reward for eating.

If these solutions don’t work, some sneaky preparation may be in order.

Grate carrot skins into spaghetti sauce, make veggie smoothies or add spinach to macaroni and cheese.

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I know! You wish that your kids ate anything and everything you put in front of them.

However, it seems that way too often your child just won’t eat the healthy stuff.

Especially fruits and veggies.

Fruit and veggies

Even though there is no exact recipe to success to follow,

I believe that there are many different methods you can use to get your little one to develop a healthy diet.

First we need to address WHAT they need to be eating.

Whether its Fresh, Frozen, or Canned I say eat them all!

However, you do want to be aware of the following.

With the frozen and canned fruits you do need to watch out for added sugars.

Be sure that your label says 100% juice.

With frozen veggies you need to watch out for butter and cream sauces that have been added.

With canned and frozen veggies watch out for added salt.

If you look closely you will be able to find the label no sodium added. Ok.

We all know that we should be eating fruits and vegetables, but WHY?

It’s because these foods are full of vitamins and minerals.

This helps give us energy and fight disease like heart disease and some cancers.

Fruits and Veggies are also packed with Fiber, which keeps you feeling full so you don’t always heave to hear “I’m hungry!!'”

Plus it keeps your child’s digestive system regular, because who wants to deal with a child who can’t poop! Now,

HOW MUCH should I be feeding my child you ask?

A rule to always follow according to the MyPlate guideline is to make half your plate vegetables and fruit.

The exact amounts for your child depends on their age. And you can find the right amount here.

If eating fruits and veggies isn’t a part of your child’s daily diet, this may seem overwhelming.

WHEN do I incorporate all of those foods into their day?

Keep it simple and incorporate a little in every meal, including snacks.

You may be asking yourself, “How? How do I do this?”

The important thing is NOT to get your children to eat fruits and vegetables it’s to get them to eventually like fruits and vegetables.

In order for this to happen you need to start early.

Taste buds are being developed at an early age.

Sometimes it takes up to 10 times for a child to like something.

Always enforce the 1-bite rule.

This means that the child must try at least 1 bite, even if they don’t take another bite of that food the rest of the meal.

Now, if YOU aren’t eating fruits and vegetables, the chance of your child eating them is near improbable.

Your taste buds can change too. We adults can even be more stubborn than our children at times.

So please set the example and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Fruits and vegetables take on different flavors depending on what they are cooked with and how they are prepared.

For some ideas on preparation click this link right here.

Whether you are cooking with meats, dairy, grains, or fruits and vegetables;

Flavor is king.

Get creative with the spices and condiments.

For example, put cinnamon on a sweet potato;

Parmesan cheese on roasted broccoli;

lemon juice with spinach;

cauliflower with nutmeg;

apples and bananas with peanut butter…

Ok! I’m getting hungry. Hiding fruits and veggies is also a great tool to have in your apron.

If you child absolutely refuses any and every fruit and vegetable you put into their meal plan try hiding the unwanted foods.

Jessica Seinfeld has a great recipe book on how to hide fruits and vegetables in dishes like muffins, cakes, and even childhood favorites like mac and cheese.

Use kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, and peppers in pizza and pasta sauces.

You can also create healthy, and tasty, smoothies with pretty much any fruit and vegetable.

And Muffins!!! What child doesn’t like muffins?

And please, Don’t be deceived by what the food industry tries to tell you.

Eating healthy does not mean it’s more expensive. Research has found that an adult on a 2000 calorie diet, could follow the fruit and vegetable guidelines of 4 1/2 cups at a cost of $2 – $on average per day.

And that much is way more nutritious and filling than a burger and fries you can get at a nearby fast-food joint.

According to research, on average, veggies and fruit items were $.31 per portion and unhealthy snacks were $.33 per portion.

And check out this cost-comparison chart. You can spend $1 on a 4 ounce bag of chips and get nothing but calories from fat and salt.

Or spend the same amount of money on 1 and 1/4 pound of carrots filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

Or eat two small cookies, and still be hungry.

Or eat 3 small apples and be filled with great nutrition.

The next time your child gives you the gag look when you place veggies and fruits down in front of them don’t loose hope.

Try these tips and see if your children not only start liking veggies and fruits but they start asking for them.

Oh! And don’t faint when that happens.

As found on Youtube

Helping Your Kids Lose Weight

If you want to help your teenage kids to lose weight, here are some tips that may prove helpful:

1. Make losing weight a family affair. Rather than just concentrating on your teen, try to adopt healthy habits as a family.

Eating healthier foods at home and getting more exercise is good for the whole family.

Try to encourage family members to eat more fruitsveggies and whole grains.

Prepare menus that contain healthy food groups to ensure that your family is getting all the nutrients that they need.

Practice leaving junk food when you do your shopping at the grocery store.

Healthy foods may sometimes cost you more, but it’ is worth investing in as it concerns the health of your whole family.

2. Allow occasional treats as a break from the usual.

That late-night pizza with friends or nachos at the mall doesn’t need to be totally excluded from your teen’s healthy-eating plan.

Suggest a healthier alternative instead such as breadstick and marinara sauce instead of garlic bread dripping in butter and cheese.

You can also opt for ordering a shared snack instead of a full-size order to lessen the portions.

You can let your teen know that he or she can also have control over his or her eating choices and an occasional indulgence is acceptable.

A trend towards developing healthier habits is what really matters rather than banishing your kid’s favorite food totally.

3. Plan fun and highly active family outings, such as regular walks at the park or weekend visits to a local recreation center.

Such activities can greatly help keep your kids stay active. And not only that, such activities can also be a great way for the whole family to bond and enjoy each one’s company.

4. Be positive. With your kids being overweight, their feelings should also be put into consideration.

How they feel about themselves can affect their motivation to lose weight.

As a parent, you can actually influence how your kids will feel about themselves.

You must help them realize that being overweight doesn’t inevitably lead to a lifetime of having low self-esteem.

Your acceptance of their condition is critical. Try to listen to your teen’s concerns.

Provide positive comment on his or her efforts, skills and accomplishments.

You must always make it clear that your love and concern is unconditional and that it is not dependent on weight loss.

This will make them more secure as well as confident in trying to motivate himself or herself from losing weight. You can help your teen learn healthy ways of being more open in express his or her feelings.

5. Eat breakfast. This is usually a thing that is lightly taken in many families.

But breakfast can really help your teen from keeping off those extra pounds.

It may take some constant urging for your teen to get up early for breakfast, but always bear in mind that it is important.

A well-balanced nutritious breakfast at the start of the day will jump-start your teen’s metabolism.

This meal will be able to give him or her energy to face the day ahead. Even better, feeling full each morning before going out of the house may keep your teen from eating too much during the rest of the day.

These are just a few of the many things that you can do to help your teen from getting rid of excess pounds and keeping it off.

It may take a bit of work on your part. But the rewards can be seen in knowing that your kids are learning to live a healthier lifestyle and grow and develop into healthy adults.


Could children from the UK learn from Japan to reduce obesity


British kids are the most overweight in Western Europe, but in Japan, childhood obesity is rare.

Dr C says in the current issue of Closer that we can learn a lesson on keeping our children healthy.

British kids are the most overweight in Western Europe, but in Japan, childhood obesity is rare.

Dr C says we can learn a lesson from them.

Obesity rates here have doubled in 20 years, while in Japan only four percent of people are overweight.

So, what can we learn from them?

Japanese school lunches are planned by nutritionists, made from scratch, and include lots of rice, vegetables, soup, and fish.

Everyone gets identical meals, and if they don’t like it, it’s tough luck!

That’s a nanny state for you, but it can be a good thing.

Schools have no vending machines and children can’t take in their own food until high school.

In the US, obesity hits at age four, but in Japan, rates are very low until kids reach 15 – just as they start choosing their own food.

It sounds harsh, but we didn’t have any choice at my school either, so we just got on with it.

Japanese boards of education also tend to make walking to school compulsory if their school is close enough.


That isn’t always possible over here, but it’s a clever system if you can do it, because it’s automatic daily activity.

When they brought in the smoking ban here, people complained it was an

infringement on their freedom, but now we’ve all adapted.

I suspect it would be the same with these types of policies.

They’d soon feel normal.

It’s not just kids, either.

Japanese businesses get fined if their staff are obese.

I don’t think that’s right, but it does mean that everyone is encouraged to take an interest in health.

Here, we’re overweight, but ignoring it.

Japanese life expectancy is the best in the world, yet they work hard and have high levels of stress, which shows the impact a proper diet has, with lots of fresh fish and vegetables.

Family dinners are another part of Japanese culture.

Everyone sits around the table and children are encouraged to try everything, but not finish if they’re full.

That means kids take their time and don’t eat while distracted.


There’s a Japanese saying, which goes,

“He who has his stomach full 80 per cent will not need a doctor.”

An easier way to think of it is to eat until you’re no longer hungry, rather than until you’re full.


It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain you’re full, but we keep eating, then feel stuffed.

The lessons?

Healthy lunches, daily activity, no room for fussiness and taking it slow all help to keep you slim.

Try it!

Reference: Closer Magazine 20 – 26 Jan 2018

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Potty Training

Potty Training A Toddler

Must Ask Questions For Anyone Potty Training A Toddler

If you are thinking about starting to potty train your toddler, there are a few questions you should ask yourself before you begin potty training.

Being well prepared for this challenging transition from diapers to potty is one of the best things you can do to make this as easy as possible on your child.

1. Is My Child Ready?
You want to start potty training at just the right time.

You will know that your child is ready when he or she gets more interested in you going to the potty, tells you right away when the diaper is wet or pulls on it and seems uncomfortable with it.

Give potty training a try, if your child doesn’t seem ready despite the signs, wait a few weeks and try again.

2. Am I Ready?
Just as important as your child being ready is that you are ready.

Prepare yourself mentally for the transition from diaper to potty for your child. You will need a lot of patience and understanding.

There are going to be resentment, tears and the occasional accident.

Make sure you are prepared for this so you can stay calm and supportive for your child.

3. Do We Need A Potty Chair?
A regular toilet is very intimidating for a child. The seat is rather large and your child will have to hold on to avoid falling in.

In addition “things” vanish in there when you flash – which can be a pretty scary thought for your child.

Many kids are more comfortable with a potty chair at first.

After a few weeks you should be able to move on to a potty seat insert that fits on your regular toilet eliminating the potty cleanup.

4. Should We Use A Potty Doll?
A potty doll is not a necessity when it comes to potty training, but can be a great tool.

A potty doll will pee like an actual child and usually comes with diapers, panties and a potty chair.

The doll can help tremendously during the pre-potty training phase when you are getting your child used to the idea of going in the potty instead of the diaper.

You can illustrate what’s supposed to happen on the doll and let your child warm up to the idea by playing with the doll in the same fashion.

When you are ready to potty train, put the doll on the potty right next to your child.

5. Should We Use Potty Training Rewards?
Before you start potty training, you should decide if you are going to use some sort of rewards as encouragement for your child, or if you will simply make your child feel great about his successes by being his cheer leader.

Simple potty training rewards can include stickers, candy like a few jellybeans or M&M’s, or you can use some sort of tracking chart for bigger rewards (i.e. If you use the potty for an entire week without accident, you get a small toy).

Using simple rewards can be a great potty training tool, but it isn’t by any means necessary as long as you get the message across to your child that you are proud of him.

Take a few minutes to answer these potty training questions for yourself and go over them with your spouse as well to ensure you are on the same page before you start potty training your child.

It will help you give your child a clear picture of what you are both trying to accomplish and will cut down on any confusion.

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Children and water

“Safety First” Tips For Water Fun

There may be few better ways to spend a hot day than at the beach, lake, water park or swimming pool but amid all the fun and games it is important to put safety first.

Learning to swim and be safe in and around the water are important survival skills.

Accidents only take a few seconds to occur, but they can often be prevented by ensuring your loved ones follow simple water safety guidelines.

Pioneers in swimming instruction and water safety, the nation’s YMCAs are celebrating 100 years of group swimming instruction to children and adults.

happy kids have fun on outdoor swimming pool at beautiful aquapark

The YMCA offers these tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe in and around the water during the summer and at any time of year:

  • Make sure children are supervised by an adult at all times.
  •  No one, not even adults, should ever swim alone.
  • Be prepared in an emergency by learning lifesaving, first aid and CPR techniques.
  •  Always have a stocked first aid kit, phone, emergency numbers and sunscreen close at hand.
  •  Follow the posted rules in any water environment.
  • Backyard pools should have posted rules, ring buoy and security fences with self-closing gates and childproof locks.
  •  If you have an above-ground pool, secure and lock the steps or remove them completely when not in use.
  •  Be aware of water depth, incline and any underwater obstructions before diving. Never dive in water less than nine feet deep.
  •  Children should use U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
  • Avoid inflatable toys including armbands or “swimming”-they can be dangerous, giving a false sense of confidence.

And finally, everyone should learn swimming and basic water safety skills.

The YMCA offers swimming classes for all ages and levels.

water fun
  • Approximately 830 children ages 14 and under drown every year. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1 to 4 years and ages 10 to 14 years. For those less than 1 year old, drowning is the third leading cause of death
  • An average of about 3,600 injuries a year occur to children due to a near-drowning incident.
  • More than half of drownings among infants occur in bathtubs.

Where and when:

  • Most infants under the age of 1 drown in bathtubs. Other drownings in this age group tend to occur in toilets and buckets.
  • Most childhood drownings in pools occur in the child’s home pool. About one-third of these drownings occur in pools at the homes of friends, neighbors, or relatives.
  • Most drownings and near-drownings occur during late spring and summer (May through August).
  • More fatal drownings occur in the South and West.
  • More fatal drownings occur in rural areas than suburban or urban areas.


  • The majority of children who drown in swimming pools are between the ages of 1 to 4.
  • Children ages 4 and under are more likely to drown than other age groups and account for most home drownings.
  • Boys are two times more likely to drown than girls.
  • African-American children ages 5 to 14 are three times more likely to drown than white children.
  • Non swimming pool drownings are more common among low-income children.–injury-statistics-and-incidence-rates-90-P03004

A MAN and a woman have been arrested after a five-year-old boy drowned in a water park.

Charlie Dunn, from Tamworth, Staffordshire, died following an incident at Bosworth Water Park, near Hinckley, Leics., on July 23.

A man and a woman have been arrested over the death of Charlie Dunn, who died at a water park last year

A man in his 30s and a woman in her 20s have been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence.

They have also been arrested on suspicion of child neglect.

Mum Lynsey Dunn, 28, and stepdad Paul Smith, 35, were taken into custody on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence at the time.

They were initially released on bail before charges against them were dropped in December.

A spokesperson for Leicestershire Police said: “A man and woman have this morning (Monday 13 March) been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter by gross negligence.

“It follows an incident at Bosworth Water Park, near Hinckley, on 23 July 2016, in which five-year-old Charlie Dunn, who came from Tamworth, drowned.

“They have also been arrested on suspicion of child neglect.

“The man, who is in his 30’s, and the woman, who is in her 20’s, were arrested in Staffordshire this morning.”


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Footage posted to Imgur shows five-year-old Finnish boy struggling in pool Poster claims he was left alone while mother went to the sauna Struggled underwater and desperately tries to get to the side to pull himself out People around the boy are seemingly oblivious to his plight
Horrifying footage shows a five-year-old boy seemingly start to drown at a crowded pool in Helsinki, while other swimmers carry on oblivious to his plight.
Footage posted to Imgur shows the youngster struggling in the water for several minutes before losing consciousness.
User Irongross who posted the video, claims the boy was left unsupervised while his mother spent time in the sauna, although this statement has not as yet been verified.
Thankfully the child was resuscitated after a woman finally noticed his body floating on the surface, and has not suffered any permanent harm.

Childhood obesity and nutrition

According to obesity researchers, the United States obesity rate has more than doubled for preschoolers and adolescents-and more than tripled for ages 6 to 11-over the past 30 years.

Obese children are at greater risk for health problems such as diabetes and heart disease, and often carry these problems into adulthood.

So, how do parents help children, and the entire family, eat healthier, both at home and away-from-home?

“Talk to your pediatrician, family doctor or registered dietitian to determine the healthiest weight goals for the entire family,” said nutrition expert Jenifer Bland-Campbell, “then make a plan to tackle the issue.”

She offers these tips to help parents help their families eat more healthfully:

  • Eat at least one meal together daily, at regular intervals to discourage snacking.
  • Prepare healthy dishes for the whole family, not just special foods for an overweight child.
  • Don’t use food as a reward, comfort or punishment.
  • Watch portions. “Clean your plate” is not always the way to go.
  • Eat slowly. It takes almost 20 minutes for the brain to register that the body is full.
  • Encourage water or skim or 1% milk instead of high-calorie, sugary drinks.
  • Getting kids to eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day will not be easy, but focus on the colors to make it more fun. for more tips. 5 a day
  • Use low-fat or fat-free dressings, mayonnaise and dairy items at home as if they are the full-fat versions. Kids will take your cues. Ask for the same items on the side when eating away-from-home.
  • Take the stairs. When you go shopping, park the car farther away from the store and walk.
  • Limit television, video games or computer time.
  • Replace mayonnaise and cheese on burgers or sandwiches with ketchup, mustard or barbecue sauce.
  • Stick with items that are baked, broiled, steamed or poached-not fried.
  • Ask for nutritional information when eating out.
  • Look beyond the children’s menu, often limited to fried, high-calorie, high-fat foods and split one healthier adult entrée between two children.
  • Ask for a takeout container and put some of the food in before you eat.
  •  Ask that bread, beverages and tortilla chips be served with the meal, not beforehand.

“Parents can help children reach wellness goals by first making healthy changes at home, then teaching kids what to do away from home,” said Bland-Campbell.

“Healthy eating does not happen overnight, but children take cues from their parents and will learn behaviors over time.”

Nutrition:`Obesity being a Health risk target

Bland-Campbell is a registered dietitian with ARAMARK, a company that manages food service programs at businesses, colleges, hospitals, and approximately 4,000 schools across the country.

You can find research on the away-from-home nutritional preferences of Americans at ARAMARK’S web site.

There, parents can find their own dining style and receive tips from dietitians on more ways to eat better.


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We speak to Bethany Walton, who weighed 6 stone at 5 years old and currently weighs 27.5 stone.

Bethany says that her mum should of controlled her eating habits when she was younger.

But how much is too much when it comes to children’s meals?

Dr Sara Kayat will be showing us and will advise on what to do if you think your child is overweight.


Adoption Breast Feeding

Adopted Babies

Breast Feeding Adopted Babies

Not only is breast feeding an adopted baby easy, the chances are that you will produce a large amount of milk. It isn’t complicated to do,  although it is different than breast feeding a baby you have been pregnant with for 9 months.

Breast feeding and milk

There are two objectives that are involved in breast feeding an adopted babies.

The first is getting your baby to breast feed, and the other is producing enough breast milk.

There is more to breast feeding than just milk, which is why many mothers are happy to feed  without expecting to produce milk in the way the baby needs.

It’s the closeness and the bond breast feeding provides that many mothers  look for.


Taking the breast

Even though many feel the early introduction of bottles may interfere with breast feeding, the early introduction of artificial nipples can interfere a great deal.

The sooner you can get the baby to the breast after birth, the better things will be.

Babies will however, require the flow from the breast in order to stay attached and continue to suck, especially if they are used to gettingflow from a bottle or other method of feeding.

Producing breast milk As soon as you have an adopted baby in sight, contact a lactation clinic and start getting
your milk supply ready.

Keep in mind, you may never produce a full milk supply for your baby, although it may happen.

You should never feel discouraged by what you may be pumping before the baby, as a pump is never quite as good at extracting milk as a baby who is well latched and sucking.

Breastfeeding has many advantages for both the baby and the mother.

There are many substances in breast milk that can’t be found in cow’s milk. More so, there are fewer complications associated with breast milk than with cow’s milk.

It has been advertised time and again that it is best for the babies if they are breastfed for the first six months even up to two years. So why is breast milk so beneficial for the baby?

First of all, only breast milk contains colostrums which are essential for the baby to take.

Commercially-made milks cannot simulate the colostrums made by a mother.

The colostrums contain natural antibodies and immune globulins that are responsible for keeping the baby free from illness for the first few months of its life.

Another advantage breast milk has over cow’s milk is that it allows the mother to save as cow’s milk can be expensive. The baby can better adapt to breast milk.

Their feces are not smelly and they don’t have any difficulty defecating compared to cow’s milk.

Breastfeeding has also been approved to be one of the family planning methods that a family can observe.

Since breastfeeding has been given so much importance, many women have been made aware. However, despite the awareness, many mothers still report of breast problems associated with lactation.

These problems are most often than not, associated with improper breast feeding techniques.

In order to lower down the incidence of breast related problems due to lactation, it is important that mothers observe the proper techniques of breast feeding.

Ultimately, both the mother as well as the baby will benefit from the proper observance of these techniques.

First of all, you need to prepare your breast for milk-production.

There are various nipple exercises to perform in order to prepare your nipple to deliver the breast milk to your baby.

One of these exercises would involve routinely pinching the nipple.

Second and what most mothers fail to realize is how to keep the nipple clean before the baby latches on to it for feeding.

When you plan to breast feed, you should avoid using soap on your nipple.

If this cannot be avoided, your nipple should be wiped using a soft cloth soaked in clean water to make sure your nipple is clean before your baby feeds from it.

Third and perhaps the most important step is to allow your baby to properly latch on to your nipple.

You will know when your baby is latched on properly when your baby’s mouth covers the entire areola and not just the nipples.

It is essential that your baby should latch on properly so that he or she can properly stimulate the “let-down reflex” of your breasts wherein the milk will go down the ducts and out your nipple.

To aid your baby in latching on properly, you should make use of their rooting reflex.

This is manifested in the first few months of life. You stimulate your baby’s cheek, near their mouth using your nipple and their head will automatically turn towards the stimulation.

Their mouth will open and be ready for receiving your nipple.

Once you’re done, you can aid your baby to stop latching on by inserting a clean pinky finger into the side of their mouth and propping it slightly open.

Your baby will stop sucking and you can remove your nipple.

To prevent sore nipples and breast engorgement you have to monitor the amount of time your baby sucks with each nipple.

It is usually advisable to spend 10-15 minutes each breast to make sure that the breasts are completely emptied of milk.

This will prevent breast engorgement.

The next time your baby feeds on your breast, let your baby feed from the last breast he or she fed on.

This will completely empty the milk on that breast before you move on to the other breast.


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Breast Feeding

Breast Or Bottle Feeding



Breast  Feeding–

Which Is Best

There are lots of decisions to make when there’s a baby on the way.

One of the most controversial is the ever raging “breast or bottle” debate.

There are many people who have strong feelings on both sides of this issue, and many of them will try like a televangelist to get you on their side.

I’m not going to do that.

I’m going to give you the facts, and share some personal insight on the subject, which hopefully will leave you feeling good, whatever your choice.

Scientifically, breast milk is best.

There are nutrients in breast milk that help your child’s brain develop, and try as they might, formula makers cannot replicate these nutrients.

Breastfeeding protects your child from illnesses because, as long as he or she is nursing, they are protected by your immune system, which is much more developed than theirs.

Breast milk is very well tolerated by babies, and hardly ever causes gastric problems, and breastfed babies are less likely to be overweight.

But, realistically, the scientific facts are not the only things to be considered.

Women who simply don’t want to breastfeed will probably not be very successful.

Even some women who want to breastfeed will find it so difficult, that they are miserable trying to make it work.

Some women will have difficulty making enough milk to satisfy their baby’s hunger, and some women will suffer more pain with breastfeeding than they can endure.

If you fall into one of those categories, don’t beat yourself up.

Your baby can do quite nicely on formula, too.

When my daughter was born, I was anxious to breast feeding.

I had two boys, but one is my husband’s by a previous marriage, and the other was adopted at ten months, so this was my only chance to be pregnant and breastfeed.

I read all the books I could get my hands on, and like a fool, spent a bunch of money on a breast pump.

Well, it turns out that my nipples are not exactly a matched set, so my daughter completely rejected one nipple.

So, I nursed on the side she would take until my nipples looked like ground beef.

Plus, she was an eight pound eating machine at birth, and no matter how long I nursed her, I couldn’t satisfy her appetite.

Even with pumping from the breast that she rejected, she was always hungry.

I made myself crazy from it, worked with two different lactation consultants and tried every trick in the book, but still every attempt at nursing ended in tears.

After two miserable weeks, I gave in and put her on formula.

We have never looked back. I was happier because I wasn’t constantly frustrated, and she was happier because her tummy was full and because her Mommy was much more relaxed.

Now that I’ve told you that story, I’ll tell you this.

If I ever had another baby, I would try breastfeeding again.

Every baby is different, and a Mother’s body is different with each pregnancy.

I would try again to give my child the best from a nutritional standpoint.

But, I understand now that sometimes it just doesn’t work, or it isn’t right for you, and that doesn’t mean that you’re not a good Mom.

Breast or bottle is a personal choice. Weigh the facts and the preferences, and make the choice that is right for you and your baby.

Whatever you decide, you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Mother’s milk is one of the best foods for babies that anyone could think about.

It contains ample amount of proteins and nutrients which could beat any other health drink for your child.

The usefulness of this milk becomes more important because it protects the baby from some of the worst health problems.

There is no substitute for breast milk so providing this milk to your child would be the best thing to give to your child.

It has been studied that children who have been breastfed grow faster and are healthier than the ones who have not been breastfed


Breast milk contains lactoferrin which helps in absorption of iron and protects the intestine from any harmful bacteria.

The other component called lipases helps in digesting your fats which helps in baby’s growth and development.

It not only serves the purpose of providing nutrients to your child but also in serving the purpose to quench to your baby’s thirst and fill-in your baby’s stomach.

The IQ of the child also increases by providing breast milk.

It saves lot of time and money as you don’t have to sit up late night and mix the formula for your baby.

The cost baby food is also cut which gives more time for the mother to be with her baby.

It creates a bond between the mother and child which binds them together.

Nursing helps the mother to loose the extra pounds which she gained during her pregnancy.

It burns out lot of calories which helps in bringing back the original size.

If there are any chances of bleeding after child birth it lessens due to breast feeding.

The risk of breast and ovarian cancer is minimal.

Some common remedies to help breast feeding

-To arouse lactation for better quality and quantity, consumption of alfalfa is very useful
-To remove the hard feeling from your breast place a wet towel on your breast for 10 minutes which has been soaked in hot water
-Use of chamomile helps in controlling inflamed breast
-To minimize pain and inflammation, use of castor oil is very useful
-Having the baby in different positions for feeding also helps
-Consumption of fennel tea and almonds helps in increasing the milk production
-To relieve pain massaging Vitamin E oil on your breast is very good
-Having good amount of yogurt or curd helps in keeping the bacteria and other infection at bay


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