
Getting Your Kids to Eat Fruits & Veggies

The media is always reminding parents about the prevalence of obesity in young children.

Not only is daily activity and exercise a necessary component, but so is eating healthy.

One of the most important food groups is vegetables, which provide kids with much-needed nutrients and antioxidants.

It also happens to be the least favorite food group among kids.

Yet just because  veggies don’t live up to the taste of chocolate doesn’t mean there is no hope.

In fact, with a little determination, kids can learn to love the taste of veggies.

The sooner vegetables are worked into kids’ palates, the more likely they will be to try and like them.

In fact, studies show that pregnant women who eat veggies are more likely to have infants that like them.

If nursing a young infant, it’s also worthwhile to incorporate vegetables into the diet, as the baby will learn to enjoy the tastes that are passed through the milk.

Once solids are incorporated into a baby’s diet, he or she will be more apt to enjoying the taste of veggies .

For an added benefit, puree vegetables and stick to seasonal varieties that are freshest.

This limits salt and sugar additives, as well as encourages young children to enjoy the natural tastes of veggies.

Once children reach the age of four, they become more resistant to trying new foods, so use the first few years as an opportunity to offer a wide palate of vegetables.

Children ages 2 to 6 should have at least three servings of vegetables each day.

An example of a serving is a ½ cup chopped vegetables, a medium potato or ¾ cup of vegetable juice.

To meet these needs, serve a cup of juice with breakfast, ½ cup peas and carrots with lunch and sweet potato wedges at dinner.

When part of a normal routine, children won’t balk at the sight of vegetables.

There is more to eating vegetables than just offering them, however.

Some children are naturally resistant to trying new and unfamiliar foods.

Try serving the vegetables in creative ways that are enticing to kids.

One idea is ants on a log, which is made by placing cream cheese on celery sticks and lining them with raisins.

Also let kids take part in cooking by offering recipes where they get to make their own tacos or veggie pizzas.

No matter how much children resist, continue to offer vegetables.

Make sure to serve the same meals to the whole family, and set a good example by also eating a wide variety of vegetables.

Children learn best by example.

When children do work up the courage to try new foods, don’t make a big deal.

Show them that vegetables are a standard part of any diet and don’t require a reward for eating.

If these solutions don’t work, some sneaky preparation may be in order.

Grate carrot skins into spaghetti sauce, make veggie smoothies or add spinach to macaroni and cheese.

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I know! You wish that your kids ate anything and everything you put in front of them.

However, it seems that way too often your child just won’t eat the healthy stuff.

Especially fruits and veggies.

Fruit and veggies

Even though there is no exact recipe to success to follow,

I believe that there are many different methods you can use to get your little one to develop a healthy diet.

First we need to address WHAT they need to be eating.

Whether its Fresh, Frozen, or Canned I say eat them all!

However, you do want to be aware of the following.

With the frozen and canned fruits you do need to watch out for added sugars.

Be sure that your label says 100% juice.

With frozen veggies you need to watch out for butter and cream sauces that have been added.

With canned and frozen veggies watch out for added salt.

If you look closely you will be able to find the label no sodium added. Ok.

We all know that we should be eating fruits and vegetables, but WHY?

It’s because these foods are full of vitamins and minerals.

This helps give us energy and fight disease like heart disease and some cancers.

Fruits and Veggies are also packed with Fiber, which keeps you feeling full so you don’t always heave to hear “I’m hungry!!'”

Plus it keeps your child’s digestive system regular, because who wants to deal with a child who can’t poop! Now,

HOW MUCH should I be feeding my child you ask?

A rule to always follow according to the MyPlate guideline is to make half your plate vegetables and fruit.

The exact amounts for your child depends on their age. And you can find the right amount here.

If eating fruits and veggies isn’t a part of your child’s daily diet, this may seem overwhelming.

WHEN do I incorporate all of those foods into their day?

Keep it simple and incorporate a little in every meal, including snacks.

You may be asking yourself, “How? How do I do this?”

The important thing is NOT to get your children to eat fruits and vegetables it’s to get them to eventually like fruits and vegetables.

In order for this to happen you need to start early.

Taste buds are being developed at an early age.

Sometimes it takes up to 10 times for a child to like something.

Always enforce the 1-bite rule.

This means that the child must try at least 1 bite, even if they don’t take another bite of that food the rest of the meal.

Now, if YOU aren’t eating fruits and vegetables, the chance of your child eating them is near improbable.

Your taste buds can change too. We adults can even be more stubborn than our children at times.

So please set the example and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Fruits and vegetables take on different flavors depending on what they are cooked with and how they are prepared.

For some ideas on preparation click this link right here.

Whether you are cooking with meats, dairy, grains, or fruits and vegetables;

Flavor is king.

Get creative with the spices and condiments.

For example, put cinnamon on a sweet potato;

Parmesan cheese on roasted broccoli;

lemon juice with spinach;

cauliflower with nutmeg;

apples and bananas with peanut butter…

Ok! I’m getting hungry. Hiding fruits and veggies is also a great tool to have in your apron.

If you child absolutely refuses any and every fruit and vegetable you put into their meal plan try hiding the unwanted foods.

Jessica Seinfeld has a great recipe book on how to hide fruits and vegetables in dishes like muffins, cakes, and even childhood favorites like mac and cheese.

Use kale, tomatoes, mushrooms, and peppers in pizza and pasta sauces.

You can also create healthy, and tasty, smoothies with pretty much any fruit and vegetable.

And Muffins!!! What child doesn’t like muffins?

And please, Don’t be deceived by what the food industry tries to tell you.

Eating healthy does not mean it’s more expensive. Research has found that an adult on a 2000 calorie diet, could follow the fruit and vegetable guidelines of 4 1/2 cups at a cost of $2 – $on average per day.

And that much is way more nutritious and filling than a burger and fries you can get at a nearby fast-food joint.

According to research, on average, veggies and fruit items were $.31 per portion and unhealthy snacks were $.33 per portion.

And check out this cost-comparison chart. You can spend $1 on a 4 ounce bag of chips and get nothing but calories from fat and salt.

Or spend the same amount of money on 1 and 1/4 pound of carrots filled with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

Or eat two small cookies, and still be hungry.

Or eat 3 small apples and be filled with great nutrition.

The next time your child gives you the gag look when you place veggies and fruits down in front of them don’t loose hope.

Try these tips and see if your children not only start liking veggies and fruits but they start asking for them.

Oh! And don’t faint when that happens.

As found on Youtube

Helping Your Kids Lose Weight

If you want to help your teenage kids to lose weight, here are some tips that may prove helpful:

1. Make losing weight a family affair. Rather than just concentrating on your teen, try to adopt healthy habits as a family.

Eating healthier foods at home and getting more exercise is good for the whole family.

Try to encourage family members to eat more fruitsveggies and whole grains.

Prepare menus that contain healthy food groups to ensure that your family is getting all the nutrients that they need.

Practice leaving junk food when you do your shopping at the grocery store.

Healthy foods may sometimes cost you more, but it’ is worth investing in as it concerns the health of your whole family.

2. Allow occasional treats as a break from the usual.

That late-night pizza with friends or nachos at the mall doesn’t need to be totally excluded from your teen’s healthy-eating plan.

Suggest a healthier alternative instead such as breadstick and marinara sauce instead of garlic bread dripping in butter and cheese.

You can also opt for ordering a shared snack instead of a full-size order to lessen the portions.

You can let your teen know that he or she can also have control over his or her eating choices and an occasional indulgence is acceptable.

A trend towards developing healthier habits is what really matters rather than banishing your kid’s favorite food totally.

3. Plan fun and highly active family outings, such as regular walks at the park or weekend visits to a local recreation center.

Such activities can greatly help keep your kids stay active. And not only that, such activities can also be a great way for the whole family to bond and enjoy each one’s company.

4. Be positive. With your kids being overweight, their feelings should also be put into consideration.

How they feel about themselves can affect their motivation to lose weight.

As a parent, you can actually influence how your kids will feel about themselves.

You must help them realize that being overweight doesn’t inevitably lead to a lifetime of having low self-esteem.

Your acceptance of their condition is critical. Try to listen to your teen’s concerns.

Provide positive comment on his or her efforts, skills and accomplishments.

You must always make it clear that your love and concern is unconditional and that it is not dependent on weight loss.

This will make them more secure as well as confident in trying to motivate himself or herself from losing weight. You can help your teen learn healthy ways of being more open in express his or her feelings.

5. Eat breakfast. This is usually a thing that is lightly taken in many families.

But breakfast can really help your teen from keeping off those extra pounds.

It may take some constant urging for your teen to get up early for breakfast, but always bear in mind that it is important.

A well-balanced nutritious breakfast at the start of the day will jump-start your teen’s metabolism.

This meal will be able to give him or her energy to face the day ahead. Even better, feeling full each morning before going out of the house may keep your teen from eating too much during the rest of the day.

These are just a few of the many things that you can do to help your teen from getting rid of excess pounds and keeping it off.

It may take a bit of work on your part. But the rewards can be seen in knowing that your kids are learning to live a healthier lifestyle and grow and develop into healthy adults.


Temper Tantrums – Conscious Discipline Skills

No matter how hard parents may try to offer a patient, caring attitude when handling toddler behavior, some children are more prone to acting out.

Temper tantrums are a staple of toddler hood and more often than not, they escalate into full-blown meltdowns.

Fortunately, there are many ways to not only avoid tantrums, but to deal with them effectively.

Knowing a few tried-and-true methods will help both parents and kids adjust accordingly when a meltdown is near.

The first step in understanding temper tantrums is why they occur in the first place.

Tantrums are common in both boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 3.

Although frustrating, meltdowns are a normal part of development.

They serve as a way of venting anger, especially since toddlers have little control over their actions and feelings.

The added difficulty of not being able to communicate makes toddlers more tantrum-prone.

Furthermore, toddlers are challenging the world around them and pushing their independence.

This creates power struggles between children and adults; another element that leads to meltdowns.

It can be difficult for toddlers to recognize that they can’t have everything their way.

Of course, it’s not realistic to give in to a child’s every desire.

Anticipate tantrums by looking for the warning signs such as whimpering, whining or tension.

When these behaviors begin to surface, take action by distracting and redirecting the toddler.

For example, if the child becomes frustrated when building with blocks, distract him or her by pointing out a new activity.

Instead of building a tower let’s say, offer to paint with the toddler.

Although these tactics don’t always offer an immediate solution, they are worth a try.

Another effective method for avoiding the onset of a tantrum is to identify with the child’s feelings.

When a toddler feels understood, he or she is less likely to act out.

Use simple words and express how the child may be feeling.

Try something like, “I see that you are mad that your block tower fell down.

Let’s try to build one together.”

Also use a calming, matter-of-fact tone that will reassure the toddler.

Sometimes, tantrums are imminent no matter how hard an adult may try.

To make matters worse, they often occur in situations where the child is over-stimulated, tired or hungry.

The first defense is to ignore the behavior. This means no eye contact, no words and no reactions.

Make sure that the child is in a safe area and if not, move him or her to an area that is, with no sharp objects or glass.

If out in public, remove the child from the situation and show that the behavior will not be tolerated.

When the toddler sees that his or her outbursts aren’t getting attention, they will soon stop or decrease.

Be sure to remain calm during the tantrum, as yelling or screaming only worsens the behavior.

Once children expand their language skills, generally around the age of 3, tantrums become a thing of the past.

Tips To Dealing With Kids’ Tantrums

Being a parent, there are several things that you will experience as you deal with growing kids.

Among the many things that you will need to deal with a growing a child are tantrums.

When your kids reach the toddler stage, throwing tantrums are only natural for them.

Although it can be annoying, there are ways in which you can deal with it to ease the stress.
As your toddler start to throw a tantrum, you may have sudden impulses on how to handle the situation.

However, most of these impulses will not yield positive results.

Here are seven ways on how to deal with tantrums from your kids:
Keep your cool at all times. Even if you’re about to explode, always keep your cool in front of your kid.

This is all a part of your child growing up experience, and is only natural.

Try to be patient, disciplined and practice self restraint.

You want to teach these positive values to your kid. If you react with anger to your kid while they’re having a tantrum, you’re only teaching them violence.

They will see violence as the right way to handle problems or other issues.

Never give in to their request.

Toddlers often throw temper tantrums when they want something, but couldn’t have it.

If you give in to their request or try to bribe them to calm down by giving what they want, you are opening the possibility of your toddler throwing more tantrums in the future.

Never give in to what they want and show them that they will not get it if they act this way.

Ignore public opinions. What if your child throws a tantrum while you’re in the mall because you won’t buy them that toy?

If this happens, most parents concern themselves about what others people may think and will try to give in to calm the child down.

However, if you really want to be a responsible parent, ignore what other people may think, most parents who have undergone the same situation will even show sympathy to your cause.
Avoid reasoning with them.

Toddlers throw tantrums in order to get your attention. When this happens, don’t try to negotiate or reason with your kid.

They won’t listen to you anyway, so it is best just to ignore the tantrums.

This will show your kids that throwing a tantrum is not the way that you communicate with another person.
Let them play it out. When you’re angry, you have a lot of steam built up inside that you will need to let out.

The same goes for your kids, if they have a tantrum, they need to have an outlet to express what they feel. Let them scream, yell and cry in another room.

However, explain to them why you are putting them in another room and that you will not support their behavior.

Let them play out what they feel in another room and leave them. Only return after the screaming, yelling and the crying have completely ceased.
Give them a hug.

Hugs can be a reassuring gesture which also shows love and comfort.

When your kids are throwing a tantrum and you want to keep them from getting hurt, give them a firm yet gentle hug.

Although kids would not want to be held down when they’re having tantrums, hugging your kid will eventually calm them down. It can assure them that you care and that you love them.

Never compromise even after the tantrum has ceased.

After the tantrum stops, don’t give them what they wanted.

Instead give them an alternative to what they wanted.

If you reward them after they have stopped with the thing they wanted, this can create confusion in your kid.

They may think that they can still get what they want, even if took longer.


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Today we’re going to talk about temper tantrums.

Now there’s a number of reasons children have temper tantrums:

First, they’re very developmentally normal for children up to three years of age.

And young children at that time, they’re going to have a temper tantrum from an urgent need that is not met or when they’re tired, hungry bored, or frustrated.

Older children over the age of three have temper tantrums for different reasons.

Generally they have them because they have been given into, they’ve had a tantrum earlier in their life and it’s worked for them so they continued that skill as a strategy of getting their way.

They have one for unrealistic expectations of parents, inappropriate discipline that’s a little bit too punitive or too permissive and also when they are fatigued they will do that, and the last one is when they’ve had too much stress in their life.

Those of you who have had children, maybe one or more children, you might say,

“Well how come one child has more temper tantrums than another?”

Well this is based on a number of things:

First, it is based on the temperament of the child. Some kids are just born easy temperament, they’re easy to regulate, they go to sleep well, they eat well, they’re just very easy children.

Other children are born with a very difficult temperament, it’s hard to soothe them, they’re finicky eaters, they’re finicky sleepers, when they get upset they can’t calm as easily as other children, and the last one again a stressors. Inconsistent routines, inappropriate discipline, unrealistic expectations, divorce, child-care, death in the family, depression.

All these things will affect the amount, number and intensity of tantrums that children will have. So how best can we respond to temper tantrums? The first thing I want you to hear and I want you to hear it very, very clearly is there’s no right way to do it.

Different things will be appropriate for different children.

But in general, these are some strategies that will be helpful:

The first thing to understand is temper tantrums are a non-verbal communication.

We all recognize them.

The face is red, they’re wailing, the arms are going, they’re holding their breath, they’re screaming.

We recognize a temper tantrum.

So what are they trying to say?

Generally they’re going to say “I’m overwhelmed.

I can’t handle this.”

The second one is “I’m trying a strategy that worked last time and I’m wondering if it’s gonna work this time ’cause you gave in last time so all I got to do is scream and shout, long enough, hard enough, and ultimately I’m going to get what I want.”

So one its developmental I’m overwhelmed, and two you’ve taught the child to have these tantrums.

Child tantrum

So we respond to these almost in similar ways:

The first thing to do is to unhook ourselves.

So again we’re going to be a S.T.A.R., we’re not going to get triggered, we’re going to take a deep breath and we’re going to calm ourselves.

Sometimes just calming ourselves puts some calming energy around the child.

The second thing we’re going to do is it we’re going to offer empathy and we’re going to start with the body.

Your arms are going like this, your face is like this, your body’s telling me I feel so frustrated.

So I’m going to say those words again so you can get them:

Your arms are going like this, your face is all scrunched up, your body is telling me I really wanted to watch this or I am so tired, whatever your best guess is.

And from that situation then, you’re going to actually just leave the child alone if that seems what would be best for them or you going to pick the child up, put them to your body and say nothing but breathe at first and then you’re going to say

“You’re safe, you can handle this, I’ve got you.

You’re safe, you can handle this, I’ve got you.” Once the temper tantrum is over, whatever the original trigger was, the child does not get out of anything.

If they threw a fit about taking their fork to the sink, once the temper tantrum is over, give them a choice, “You can carry the fork over in this hand or you can carry the fork in this hand to the sink.

Which is best with you?”

If it was about wearing blue pants as opposed to green pants, once it’s over there gonna put the green pants on, just give them a choice,

“Do you want to put them on when sitting on the floor, or would it be easier to stand up and put your pants on?”

The temper tantrum does not allow a child to get out doing something.

So why not just let the child flop around on the floor like a fish outta water and ignore quote the bad behavior?

We want to offer empathy, we want to offer breathing because it’s gonna help the child learn how to get from the lower centers of their brain to the higher centers of their brain and we’re providing that methodology, and internalize it in the child that they can use the rest of their life.

So here’s your homework:

When you see a child in a grocery store and it’s not even yours, here’s what you can practice, just breathe and wish that child well in that family.

Put some calmness into the energy as opposed to “What the heck are they doing?” Add your calmness to the situation.

If it’s your own child, unhook, do not take it personally, take some breath add some calmness to the chaos with your own energetic being.

Say to the child, “Oh, your hands, your feet are going like this, your face looks like this, your body’s telling me this was just, I’m just so tired and so hungry.”

And then depending on the temperament of the child you’re either going to leave them alone, give them some space, or you’re going to scoop them up and put them on your chest, relax and say,

“You’re safe, you’re safe, I’ve got you, you can handle this.”

And then once the temper tantrum is over they’re gonna go back and complete the task that triggered them to begin with.

Until next time I wish you well..

As found on Youtube


Understanding Challenging Behavior in Young Children

Understanding toddler challenging behavior is almost as difficult as understanding teenage behavior, with the added obstacle of a language barrier.

Too often, parents assume their toddlers remain the compliant babies they’ve known since birth.

Yet toddler hood is an important part of development and the time where children begin seeing themselves as separate entities from their parents.

This new desire for independence clashes with their need to want to please others.

This puts toddlers in a challenging position and is the root cause of defiance and acting out.

This emerging role is not only hard for budding toddlers, but also for their parents.

Fortunately, understanding and being compassionate toward toddler challenging behavior creates the supportive environment that children thrive in, while limiting their need to resist.

Up until toddler hood, babies spend their days following a routine put in place by someone else.

When toddler-hood approaches, toddlers discover their own will to do things and their power in making decisions.

Dad scolding his son and sending him away

The more influence toddlers see they have, the more they practice this authority.

It’s important to remember that children have the urge to please, so challenging behaviors are not an attempt to rebel.

Toddlers naturally want everything their own way as well, which adds further tension to pushing boundaries.
Discipline has little effectiveness here, as children are not aware that they are doing anything wrong.

Instead, offer consistent, easy-to-follow rules.

Give clear instructions and be firm in the tone of voice.

By showing toddlers what is expected from them, they will soon understand what areas cannot be challenged.

Children grow emotionally, socially and physically during the toddler years.

To prepare for the time ahead, toddlers should have the opportunity to make decisions.

While some rules are not to be disputed, other areas should be more flexible.

By offering alternatives, toddlers feel less threatened and are more likely to obey when the answer is no.

Allowing choices also encourages toddlers to feel valued and know they are not powerless in the world.

Start small and let a child choose between peas or carrots for dinner or turning a light off before bed.

It’s not just a toddler’s increasing independence and strong willfulness that can be wearing on a parent.

Toddlers are impulsive, curious and endlessly tiring.

Parents must bear in mind that children are not intentionally trying to be disruptive and best respond with empathy and patience.

Use a firm yet kind voice, and keep rules steady and easy to understand.

Toddlers will learn over time to have more control over their behaviors.

Lastly, toddlers don’t have a concept as to “good” and “bad” behavior.

They are also limited on their vocabulary, but are beginning to understand adults.

Their need to express themselves can be complicated, causing sudden outbursts and tantrums.

Not being heard is frustrating for a young child, so identify with the toddler by making eye contact and repeating his or her feelings using basic words.

When toddlers know they are heard, understood and valued, they become well-adjusted, confident children.


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Anne Giordano: Whenever young children have behavioral concerns it’s upsetting for everyone.

Sometimes we can get wrapped up in wanting to just stop that behavior rather than thinking about the root cause of the behavior and really, if we stop there, it’s a missed opportunity.

I think that’s a great reason to sort of want to slow down a little bit and think back to; why might this be happening?

Mary Watson Avery: All behavior is communication and no matter whether a child is showing you positive behavior – what you perceive to be as positive behavior or you perceive as challenging behavior – the child’s telling you something. Can we guess what that child is trying to tell you?

Toddler teacher: Hi Robbie.

He’s excited to see you.

Oops. Is that in your way?

Should I move it? Couldn’t see Robbie? Kara Wanzer:

We just have to figure out what they’re communicating and what function or what need is unmet for the child. Once we understand the child more in their circumstance, we start to see it a little differently and then we can really work on what that student or child needs.

Cathy Tormey: I would consider whether the child coming off a busy weekend. Whether the child’s coming off – if the behavior has all of the sudden changed.

Has the child been sick?

Are there changes going on in the family?

I would ask if anything’s different or special happened.

One of the kids recently had a pretty serious fall, and so now she’s frightened of going down the stairs. If I didn’t have that information, I wouldn’t be able to figure that out.

Jamie Vallarelli: When a child is really pushing my buttons, I really try to take deep breaths and I try to get to the bottom of the problem right away, and try to get to what’s really bothering the child and help them work through it rather than just implementing a consequence right away.

Janette Rivera: One of the things as a teacher that I do is observing the child.

Why is she doing this? you know, taking notes on what happened before, what happened after, and how can you get that child to communicate her needs. It’s very important to understand where she’s coming from too.

Kara Wanzer: One thing I ask teachers to keep in mind all of the time is to be reflective in their relationships that they have with parents and children. That’s the first thing that we need to think of as teachers when we enter a classroom. We’re also in a relationship with that child, so they are learning how to go about doing the right thing or what’s a really good pro social skill to have by just being in a relationship with you.

Anne Giardano: I think whenever we’re looking at the behavior of very young children, certainly we want to always look at medical types of things and rule that out. Is there something medical or is there something physical that might be impacting the child? Is the child hearing adequately?

Ann Gruenberg: Sometimes children have sensory differences that can affect how they behave, and they don’t always have deep-seated emotional issues associated with those.

Tanya Moorehead: If students are over stimulated, they might retreat, and their behavior might be interpreted by the teachers as there’s something wrong with them, and in turn if a student is under-stimulated, they might jump around make a lot of noise, because they’re trying to meet that need of being stimulated.

Ann Gruenberg: And there’s a lot of good information about children with patterns of language delays sometimes having behavioral issues because there are perpetually not able to express what they want or what they need using words. Michelle Levy: Sometimes stages of development involve behaviors that seem inappropriate or out of line but may actually be a natural phase that children go through.

Anne Giardano: Very young infants have a job of establishing security and safety so they are going to cry. That’s the only tool that they have to let you know that they need you. A more mobile infant is going to do a lot of exploring and starting to get into trouble. But we need to remember that that’s what they’re supposed to do at that age.

Michelle Levy: Toddlers often began to assert themselves by saying “no” over and over again, and that’s one of the ways in which they assert themselves.

Maureen Ostroff: I would never get through a book if I waited for everybody to sit down and not sit criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap. And you can’t get eighteen adults to do everything the same way at one time, let alone eighteen three- and four-year-old. If you look at the standards, it’s not an expectation for all eighteen kids to sit there like this, and just look at a story.

Maureen: Once upon a time, there was a little old man and a little old woman.

How’d they feel?

Do you remember?

Maureen Ostroff: They’re not all going to sit, and this is why we do two small groups also for the story. And it’s okay if they’re touching the book during all that time, and they can grab the book from me. It’s alright; it’s just part of being three and four. Michelle Levy: I think having adults be able to look at the Early Learning Standards, consider what is typical in the development of these various skills can really provide a useful tool for both understanding child development and where things may be out of step.

Anne Giordano: We always need to be thinking about what might be a uniqueness that a particular child might be bringing. Some children are very auditory learners. Some children are very kinesthetic learners.

Child: A bunny, like this! Hop! Hop! Hop!

Janette Rivera: Every child is unique, and as a teacher, we all need to adjust. Step back and think about the child through observation, through play. Whether they’re shy or they’re more opened up. Child: I’m trying to be the doctor here.

Okay? I’m trying to save the baby.

You can be the nurse, okay?

Be the nurse.

You want to be the nurse?

Ruth Ettenberg Freeman: Most people think that their experience is what everyone’s feeling.

So if you like physical contact, you give a lot of physical contact and they might be trying to get space. They may be getting too much stimulation. You have to understand that your way of being in the world is relative.

Tanya Moorehead: How the family interacts with their child is very important. I think that’s how you find out about family culture. One child might be able to run around freely and explore their environment while the other one was taught to sit still and only move when an adult gives them permission to move. So if you have both within your classroom and you have one child exploring and the other child who’s timid or appears to be timid, it is not that one is not learning and one that is misbehaving, it’s that they’ve been taught differently within their households.

Yotisse Williams: Cultural influences are a very big part of, I would say, the child’s development.

In our classroom we really encourage self-help skills, and there’s one little guy I’m thinking of in particular, Dad does everything for him at home, and it’s a cultural thing you know, Mom has shared with me. But the thing about that is, when you have an environment that’s conducive to parents sharing, then you have an understanding of what those cultural influences are and how to support them.

Challenging Behavior

Also how to get the parents to see what you’re trying to do we have to back up a little bit and get to know their parents.

Anne Giordano: Every home brings its own culture.

What we can do is be up front about that and say, “Tell me a little bit more about your home when it comes to sleeping and eating.”

We need to learn about what the family routines are so that we can understand them and then partner with families to say, “well let’s work together on how we might be able to help your child master a new skill here.

Anne Giordano: Children’s external environment has a large impact on how they’re able to to manage themselves.

Highly destructible children are going to have a really hard time maintaining focus and attention and staying on task if they’re constantly bombarded with sound and activity. I think sometimes it’s a really good practice for teachers to maybe just sit on the floor, and just look around and listen.

One sort of general rule of thumb is if you have many children exhibiting the same behavior in a space, you might say to yourself huh I wonder whether we need to look at this environment.

If someone’s biting in the block corner, perhaps it’s too tight of an area and we’ve got too many children congregated there. We also can think about whether do we have too much space. So do we have children running all over and banging into one another.

Ashley Anderson: To me, having an environment that is calm and safe and free of run spaces so no one’s doing laps in the room—it really affects their behavior. I strive to have as many natural fibers and materials in my classroom as possible to lighten the mood and to bring it down to a calming level. Soft music playing during meal times. And so making sure that we are aware of what their environment at home is like and then adjusting our classroom environment.

Anne Giordano: If the child has had a lot change in their environment at home, maybe there’s been a disruption in where they’re living, maybe there’s been a family separation. Well they’re then having to function in environments with different expectations, and that’s a lot for a little one to learn the rules in all of those place. And while we’re not going to change those things, we need to kind of know about that.

Pat Kitchen: They just go with the flow and know that they need some positive reinforcement, everything’s gonna be okay. And they’re not verbalizing that and trying to talk about it but you know that’s affecting the behavior.

Anne Giordano: Children can only do what they know, right? They just haven’t learned new things yet. So, it’s our role as teachers, and parents, and caregivers to teach those new things, new skills for them and give them plenty of time to practice them and we have to be patient and remember that they are learning.

Toddler teacher: Oh no.

Stop. How are we using these balls?

How should we use them?

Can you feel how hard this is?

Feel it with your fingernail.

What would happen if it hit a friend?

What would happen if you threw it and it bumped a friend?

Ouch! That would make a big boo-boo.

We’re going to roll the balls; you may roll the balls.

Cathy Tormey: We do a lot of talking when there is inappropriate behavior. You know, I address that and I’ll say, “No, that’s not nice. Hitting hurts,” or “You took this away, and now she’s sad.” Child: Me. Cathy: Wait a minute, you have to use your words. Ask Lexi. Child: May I have please? I take it! Cathy: See? She shared with you.

Mary Watson Avery: Behavior is one of those things that adults think children should just kind of learn or pick up on their own. I ask teachers to think of it as, you know: would you expect them to learn how to read on their own?

If I want them to act this way, do they have the skills to do it and if they don’t how can I teach? How can I support them?

How can I remind them of what to do?

Preschool teacher: Dustin, he doesn’t know what you want to say unless you use your words.

What would you like to tell him? What would you like to tell him with your words?

Child: Please don’t do that.

Anne Giordano: All children from their earliest days learn how to regulate, learn how to feel safe, learn how to function based upon the very earliest attachment relationships that they’ve had. But we also know that not all of our children have had that good fortune. We have children who have experienced trauma. We’ve had children that have had disruptions in their home life. We’ve had children that are experiencing toxic stress all around them in their family lives and we have to remember that those children are going to come with us with really strong needs and usually those are the behaviors that are the hardest to manage and they need us the most.

But then what we have to do is remember that that child is asking for our help and really what they’re saying is that I feel unsafe and I feel insecure.

Kara Wanzer: It might not be something that we have control over but we do have control over helping them build more skill in emotional literacy and pro-social behaviors and things like that. There are times where it’s really important when we’re working with kids who really have a challenging behavior – so we’re talking persistent, over time, that’s interfering with their social relationships or their learning and for those kids they need a team.

Anne Giordano: These are times that we often need to think about what other referrals might be appropriate to support that child because it’s it may be bigger than what we can to re-mediate with in a center environment or in a care-giving environment. And we can work in tandem with them so that we are all working on the same the same goals in using the same strategies.

Kara Wanzer: It’s really important that we see the whole context of the situation and the whole child – what the situation is for a child; what their temperament is; what their environment is; what their home life is. What are this child’s strengths and then how can we build on what the child already has?

Anne Giordano: If we understand the root cause, and it takes some work to figure it out, but if we can understand that, it gives us an opportunity to teach.

And that’s really what we want to do, is use as a learning point for children to grow from, because much of it is practice and learning.

We have to teach them..

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