
Is Permissive Parenting Bad

Permissive Parenting Style

There are two main words that describe the permissive parenting style.

These words are non-directive and indulgent.

Most permissive parents end up regretting their parenting choice as their child grows older.

These parents believe that their main goal as parents is to make sure that their child feels loved.

This should be done above all else and often means that permissive parents forego discipline in favor of showing their child love.

Rather than being parents to their child, the permissive parenting style teaches parents to be friends.

This does allow them to have close relationships with their child and their children do know that their parents love them.

One of the biggest mistakes that permissive parents make is that they do not make their children adhere to rules.

Instead of making their child do something they will ask, and then they will reward their child.

Sometimes they might even find themselves bribing their child because they have no other way to get them to do what they want.

Signs of Permissive Parenting

• The parent always responds to their child even when their child is interrupting or doing something inappropriate for attention.
• The parent does not make any demands on their child.
• The parent always accepts their child.
• The parent does not require their child to be responsible for anything.
• The parent accepts their child’s natural impulses.
• The parent does not say no.
• The parent sets no boundaries.
• The parent does not make restrictions on things.
• The parent does not set goals for their child.
• The parent allows the child to control their behavior.

How the Child of a Permissive Parent Develops

• Children are often impulsive.
• Children often have issues with aggression.
• Children lack the independence that they need to survive.
• Children often change who they are to fit in.
• Children do not have a sense of self.
• Children are not self-confident.
• While children are close to parents when they are young, they are often angry with parents when they become adults.
• Adult children blame their parents for their problems.
• Adult children do not know how to accept responsibility for their actions.
• Children never believe that anything is their fault.

What Can You Do to Change

Permissive parents can change. There are some tips to being able to make those changes.

• Start slowly with the expectations.
• Explain why things are changing to your child.
• Reason with your child and explain that there will be consequences.
• Make your child responsible for certain things.
• Start to make your child responsible for their behaviors.
• Do not allow your child to manipulate you or make you feel bad.
• Remind your child that you love them but that you are a parent.
• Define your role as a parent to your child.

While changes will feel impossible in the beginning, over time, they will be natural.

They will help your child to grow into an active and healthy adult who is capable of caring for themselves.

I will briefly discuss some of the results of permissive parenting.

You don’t want your child to grow up to be an adult who needs to get his way all the time, and who gets frustrated when he doesn’t.

To me parenting is mostly about guiding your child into maturity.

You don’t want your child to think that happiness is about getting what you want, or they will just try and get one thing after another.

And we all know that doesn’t lead to happiness You don’t want your child to become an adult who lets people walk all over them.

You show them how to avoid that by not letting them walk all over you.

In a respectful way.

How you interact with your child is the biggest lesson your child gets on how to interact with others.

You want them to grow up to be a mature adult who can have emotions without having a tantrum, or stuffing the feelings deep down only to have them come back out later.

They need practice at not getting their way, and learning to manage the emotions that result from it.

They also need to feel secure, like someone is looking out for them.

They need the security of knowing that if they go too far, you will stop them, for their own good.

If they don’t have that sense, they will be stressed out, scared.

Because they really don’t know where they are going.

They will push you to see if they can get that sense of security until they get it, or until you lose it, and yell at them to stop.

If you want to develop a parenting style that feels natural, and doesn’t include power struggles, or yelling, have a look at my free step by step lessons on becoming a world class parent.


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Authoritarian Parenting




Parenting Style: Authoritarian Parenting

Influence of Authoritative Parenting Style

The authoritative parenting style is thought to be one of the best choices for many families.

Parenting is tough, and it is hard to know which parenting style is going to be best for a family.

The way that you behave with your child is going to determine how your child is going to behave.

The authoritative parenting style is thought to be the choice that is most rewarding for both parents and children.

Parents who are authoritative are demanding but responsive at the same time.

This helps the child to have a good grasp on balance.

How the Authoritative Parenting Style Affects the Family

The influence of authoritative parenting can offer some positive things for the family.

The Ability to Solve Problems Reasonably
Children who are raised by authoritative parents are taught how to do things independently from a young age.

The child is still expected to follow the rules and has restrictions, but they can experience problem-solving on their own.

The child is well monitored, but they are supposed to work through problems without the parents giving them the answer.

The parents are going to make the final decisions, but they allow children to weigh in with their own opinions.

The best advantage for the children of learning to think for themselves means that peer pressure less tempts them.

Children are Happier
The authoritative parents are going to be involved with the child’s development in all areas.

This approach puts the children in the center of everything.

The parents work to create amazing memories, spend as much time as possible with the children, and put their children first.

The rewards for this type of behavior is that they have very happy children.

Children Understand How to Behave
Since parents talk to their children, the children grow up learning how to communicate effectively.

This leads to them having better social skills and communication.

These children have more tolerance of others, a more profound respect for adults, and can reduce feelings of frustration, anger, and stress.

This emotional balance will happen at a much younger age when a child has authoritative parents, and that means that they behave better when eating in restaurants, going out to places, and in school/classroom settings.

Children Develop Emotionally
Children who have authoritative parents are talked to more and feel like they are heard and understood.

Children are treated with respect and allowed to share their thoughts and feelings.

Parents talk through things with their children which leads to their children having better communication skills.

They also work through their child’s feelings when they are talking to them.

This teaches their child how to handle different situations better emotionally and helps their child understand how they can work through their feelings.

Authoritarian Parenting

Since emotions are looked at by the parents, the child is going to have better development.

Authoritative parenting is a very active parenting method that has outstanding results.

The primary keys to remember when practicing this type of parenting is to be empathetic and put yourself in your child’s shoes.

Ask your child for help in determining certain things but remember not to give up all of your authority to the child.

The child should still be expected to follow the rules and meet expectations.

By giving your child an opinion and nurturing that you will offer them the ability to grow and learn in new ways.


Parenting Style Authoritarian Parenting

I’m Dr. Ari Brown, and I’m going to explain what it means to be an authoritarian parent.

In the 1960s, psychologist Diana Baumrind studied preschoolers and their families, and identified different parenting styles characterized by parents’ expectations and responsiveness to their children.

Authoritarian parents placed high demands on their children, and believe that parents should have the power in the household.

Authoritarian parents tend to use negative forms of discipline.

They will take away privileges for poor behavior or resort to physical forms of punishment like spanking.

Authoritarian parents often have one-way communications.

They are not terribly responsive to a child’s feelings or opinions.

If a child questions the parent’s rules or approach, a parent might respond, “Because I said so.”

Authoritarian parents have firm rules ad expect those rules to be this way tend to rebel later in life.

As a pediatrician, I can tell you that I do not encourage this type of parenting style, nor do I recommend spanking.

You are your child’s role model, and you want to teach her to use her words, not her hands or her fists when she is frustrated.

It is much more effective to teach your child about the logical or natural consequence for inappropriate behavior than to spank her.

While it is certainly reasonable to expect your child to behave properly, you also wanna give your child a solid foundation that fosters her independence..

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Parenting Styles

Every grandmother and grandfather will tell you hilarious stories of their children when they were first born.

For every funny and touching story they have, they will be able to tell you another for every hardship they encountered.

Parenting styles is something that is done in many different ways by each parent.

The following are four general styles employed by parents.


Authoritarian parents rule on just that: authority.

Commands are given to children that they must follow regardless of the circumstances.

If these commands are not followed, harsh punishment will ensue.

These parents do not welcome feedback from their children.

In fact, it is met with severe punishment.

The children tend to be quiet and unhappy.

They have more of a fear than a love for their parents.

Male children have trouble dealing with anger and female children have trouble facing adversity due to their heavily structured life where nothing ever changes.


Indulgent parents tend to be described as lenient.

They allow immature and childish behavior.

These parents expect the children to learn from their mistakes and to fend for themselves in most times of need.

These parents tend to be democratic and allow for feedback from there children on issues.

They will hear both sides of an argument and usually make a compromise.

Indulgent parents usually avoid confrontation with their children by all means, but do tend to be more involved and emotionally closer to their children.


Authoritative parents are a combination of the two styles previously mentioned.

They are the happy medium.

While expecting proper behavior from their children, they welcome feedback and questioning on certain issues.

They’re able to demand things of their children but are also able to respond to what they’re child says, questions and requests.

These children tend to be the happiest, most confident and self assured of all the mentioned parenting styles.

It is very difficult to be a purely authoritative parent.

Young father with his cute little daughter


Passive parenting is being completely not involved.

These parents may never be home due to immaturity, work or the like.

These children are usually raised by grandparents, older siblings, babysitters or themselves.

There is no parental involvement at all.

We wish you many happy stories!


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Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.

Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship.

[1] The most common caretaker in parenting is the biological parent(s) of the child in question, although others may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member, or a family friend.[2]Governments and society may have a role in child-rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations.

Others may be adopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage.

Parenting skills vary, and a parent with good parenting skills may be referred to as a good parent.

A parenting style is the overall emotional climate in the home.

[12] Developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind identified three main parenting styles in early child development: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive.

[13][14][15][16] These parenting styles were later expanded to four, including an uninvolved style.

These four styles of parenting involve combinations of acceptance and responsiveness on the one hand and demand and control on the other.

[17] Recent research has found that parenting style is significantly related to children’s subsequent mental health and well-being.

In particular, authoritative parenting is positively related to mental health and satisfaction with life, and authoritarian parenting is negatively related to these variables.


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