
Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips for Infants

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life but when all of that excitement wears off it can be overwhelming and even scary.

Learning how to parent an infant is going to take practice.

It is important to remember that no two infants are alike so what worked for your first child is not likely to work for your second.

For a while it is a guessing game while you find out what is going to work for you.

There are many areas for which you might need parenting tips to help you with your infant.

These include nursing, soothing, sleeping, taking care of yourself, getting dad more involved, and how to handle yourself when you are out with your infant.

Parenting Tips for Nursing Success

Reach Out for Help – Statistics show that moms who are willing to ask for help are more likely to stick with nursing and are likely to nurse for a longer period of time.

Get Help after Birth – While you are still in the hospital it is important to get the help that you can for nursing.

Be Prepared – Nursing is a process and if you are counting down the minutes your baby is going to feel your anxiety.

So find ways to remain relaxed when your baby needs to nurse.

Parenting Tips for Soothing Your Infant

Swaddle – Many infants feel well connected to you when they are swaddled.

This also can help to soothe them because it reminds them of when they were in the womb.

Music Helps – Music can help you to relax which is good for trying to soothe your infant when they are upset.

They might also feel that music is soothing, especially if you listened to a lot of music while you were pregnant.

Learn Your Own Tricks – Since everyone’s infant is different there is sure to be a soothing trick that is going to work for your little one but you will have to figure out what it is first.

Some suggestions might be bouncing, rocking, or dancing with your baby.

Parenting Tips for Sleeping

Ignore How Tired You Are – If you want to have an infant that sleeps well then you will need to take a different approach.

It is a good idea for you to ignore how tired you might feel to help reduce your own stress which could make it harder for your baby to sleep as well.

Take Turns Sleeping – When there are two parents it is essential that both parents take turns sleeping and waking with the new infant.

If only one parent works outside of the home then weekends are a great time for them to step up to night time duty while the stay at home partner can get some rest.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Naps – Many new moms try to do too much while their infant is sleeping.

It is a great idea to take naps and spend time sleeping on the same schedule as your little one.

Parenting Tips for How to Handle Being Out

Get Help – Ask your mom friends about their best tips for going out with their little ones or ask someone to go out with you to help with your new infant.

Grandparents, other family members, and close friends are likely to be excited to help you.

Have a Bag Ready – Keeping a fully stocked diaper bag ready to go is a great tool for getting out the door easily.

Make sure to clean out the bag and repack it each time that you come home so that it is always ready to go.

Embrace Things – Learning to go with the flow and embrace what is happening at the moment is essential when you are going out with your infant.

These tips are great for being able to help you with parenting your infant.

Your baby’s sense of security and feeling loved comes from having all of their needs met each day.

So why not establish a regular routine that helps them determine what to expect throughout their day?

It will make it easier for you to tend to all their daily needs.

Though your child’s needs will change as they grow, there are steps you can take to be prepared to meet their needs and yours.

From diapering to sleeping to soothing baths, our experts have answers to your most pressing questions about your baby’s development.

In this series of videos,

you’ll discover how to choose clothing that benefits your baby’s learning and development;

which activities foster your little one’s thinking and engage their motor skills;

and why routines are essential to your baby’s confidence and overall well-being.

Check out our collection of videos to learn how you can best meet your growing baby’s daily needs.

As found on Youtube


Infant is a word that came from the Latin term, infans, which means speechless or not capable of speaking.

An infant is a pretty young offspring, also known as a baby.

An infant who is born within day, weeks or hours from birth is called a newborn.

The word “newborn,” include post-mature infants, full term newborns and premature infants.

In medical books, the word newborn (neonate) refers to babies who are between the 1st 28 days from birth.


Toddler is a young kid, who has freshly learned to walk.

During this stage, the kid learns about motor skills, social roles and begins using his/her first language.

This is a crucial stage in development and is noted for their negativistic manner.

They habitually say no which, in reality, it’s a yes.

They are also little explorers, and they are basically curious on everything.

Difference between Infant and Toddler

Infant and toddler are both children. However, infants are younger (under 1 year old) than toddlers (1 to 3 years.).

Infants start crawling in this age while toddlers are beginning to walk and stand.

In communicating, an infant’s cry is its basic communication while a toddler begins to say 2-word phrases.

Infants don’t have teeth while toddlers have a number of teeth, and they are continuously growing.

Infants only drink milk through breastfeeding or in bottles while toddlers are starting to eat solid foods by using a spoon but still drink milk.

Infants can barely hold objects, as for toddlers, they are happy throwing and picking up objects.

Infant and toddler have basic needs.

These necessities are essential for their healthy growth and development.

Parents or the people who look after these children should have enough patience in dealing with them.

Parenting Tips for Toddlers

Parenting a toddler is hard work.

It can be such a challenging time for parents to figure out how to discipline, help cultivate their child, and keep their child healthy.

Parenting tips for toddlers offer you an excellent choice for own needs.

10 Parenting Tips for Toddlers

What You Need to Keep Your Toddler Safe

Toddlers are hard to keep safe because they explore, climb, and get into everything.

Remember to keep all medications in child-proof bottles and out of the reach of your toddler.

Also, you should make sure that you are following all car seat recommendations and that you keep your child rear facing for as long as possible and in a five-point harness until they are long past their toddler years.

Give Your Child Positive Attention

Spend time with your toddler getting to know them.  Read, play games, do crafts, and spend time learning about the things that your toddler enjoys.

Doing these things will help your child to have a happy early childhood and will help you to maintain a close relationship with them as they get older.

Feed Your Child What They Need to Stay Healthy

Toddlers have a lot of health needs that are often neglected by parents because they do not realize how important they are.

Toddlers need meals that are balanced and snacks that come from whole food sources.

Toddlers should not be drinking sugary drinks or excessive amounts of juice.

Learn How to Help Your Child Speak

Many toddlers have speech issues and concerns.

If you feel that your child is not in tune with where they should be, then you should talk to your healthcare provider.

Between the ages of 7 and 15 months, your child should start by saying mama and dada.

Then when your child is between the period of 11 and 22 months, they should have between four to six words that you can recognize and that they understand the meaning of.

Finally, when your child is between the ages of eighteen and twenty-seven months, they should be able to say fifty or more words.

Show Your Child How Much You Love Them

Make sure that you express your love to your child.  Show your child that you love them by hugging and kissing them.

Also be sure to tell your child that you love them often, especially when they are having a bad day or struggling with something.

Help Your Child Master Potty Training

Potty training is tough.  One of the things that you can do with your child is helping them to learn how they can master their potty training.

This means that you will help your child come up with a plan that can work with them as well.

Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums are something that is going to happen with a toddler.

They are inevitable.

However, the way that you handle them is going to drastically change how long they last and with the intensity that they have.

Remember not to give in to temper tantrums but look for cues that your child is about to have one so that you can help them react positively instead.

Be Consistent with Your Child

Consistency in parenting is key.  It is especially important during the toddler years when children are learning about decision making and consequences.

Parenting Tips  for Picky Eaters

If you have a picky eater, you might have to get creative with what you are feeding them.

Continue to offer new choices and do not be afraid to offer incentives for trying new foods.

If your child is asking for more berries but has not tried their vegetable, tell them that if they try their vegetable that they will get the berries that they want.

Talk to Your Child

You will also want to talk to your child.

Toddlers are developing their personality so it is going to be fun to talk to your child and learn who they are becoming.

Ask them questions and listen to their answers.

Play with them, tell them stories and have them tell you your own stories.

Learning how to be a great parent to toddlers is vital for you to be able to have success with parenting when your child gets older.

Doing these things can help you with your ability to make it through the toddler years experiencing greater joy than you might have expected.


With so many options available in the toy aisles today, it’s no wonder many parents feel overwhelmed when shopping for play items for their little one.

The best toys for your growing baby are ones that support their development and encourage them to reach, stretch and concentrate.

Yes, that’s right, concentrate!

But, what do those toys look like?

And, how will you know which ones are safe and developmentally appropriate for your baby?

In this series of videos, our experts offer advice on what kinds of activities are best for babies ages six to nine months old.

Some of their suggestions might surprise you and may make you think twice about how to engage and stimulate your child.

Consider the tips in these tutorials to help you select toys that will delight your child’s senses, motivate their movement and inspire their sense of discovery.

As found on Youtube


Understanding Challenging Behavior in Young Children

Understanding toddler challenging behavior is almost as difficult as understanding teenage behavior, with the added obstacle of a language barrier.

Too often, parents assume their toddlers remain the compliant babies they’ve known since birth.

Yet toddler hood is an important part of development and the time where children begin seeing themselves as separate entities from their parents.

This new desire for independence clashes with their need to want to please others.

This puts toddlers in a challenging position and is the root cause of defiance and acting out.

This emerging role is not only hard for budding toddlers, but also for their parents.

Fortunately, understanding and being compassionate toward toddler challenging behavior creates the supportive environment that children thrive in, while limiting their need to resist.

Up until toddler hood, babies spend their days following a routine put in place by someone else.

When toddler-hood approaches, toddlers discover their own will to do things and their power in making decisions.

Dad scolding his son and sending him away

The more influence toddlers see they have, the more they practice this authority.

It’s important to remember that children have the urge to please, so challenging behaviors are not an attempt to rebel.

Toddlers naturally want everything their own way as well, which adds further tension to pushing boundaries.
Discipline has little effectiveness here, as children are not aware that they are doing anything wrong.

Instead, offer consistent, easy-to-follow rules.

Give clear instructions and be firm in the tone of voice.

By showing toddlers what is expected from them, they will soon understand what areas cannot be challenged.

Children grow emotionally, socially and physically during the toddler years.

To prepare for the time ahead, toddlers should have the opportunity to make decisions.

While some rules are not to be disputed, other areas should be more flexible.

By offering alternatives, toddlers feel less threatened and are more likely to obey when the answer is no.

Allowing choices also encourages toddlers to feel valued and know they are not powerless in the world.

Start small and let a child choose between peas or carrots for dinner or turning a light off before bed.

It’s not just a toddler’s increasing independence and strong willfulness that can be wearing on a parent.

Toddlers are impulsive, curious and endlessly tiring.

Parents must bear in mind that children are not intentionally trying to be disruptive and best respond with empathy and patience.

Use a firm yet kind voice, and keep rules steady and easy to understand.

Toddlers will learn over time to have more control over their behaviors.

Lastly, toddlers don’t have a concept as to “good” and “bad” behavior.

They are also limited on their vocabulary, but are beginning to understand adults.

Their need to express themselves can be complicated, causing sudden outbursts and tantrums.

Not being heard is frustrating for a young child, so identify with the toddler by making eye contact and repeating his or her feelings using basic words.

When toddlers know they are heard, understood and valued, they become well-adjusted, confident children.


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Anne Giordano: Whenever young children have behavioral concerns it’s upsetting for everyone.

Sometimes we can get wrapped up in wanting to just stop that behavior rather than thinking about the root cause of the behavior and really, if we stop there, it’s a missed opportunity.

I think that’s a great reason to sort of want to slow down a little bit and think back to; why might this be happening?

Mary Watson Avery: All behavior is communication and no matter whether a child is showing you positive behavior – what you perceive to be as positive behavior or you perceive as challenging behavior – the child’s telling you something. Can we guess what that child is trying to tell you?

Toddler teacher: Hi Robbie.

He’s excited to see you.

Oops. Is that in your way?

Should I move it? Couldn’t see Robbie? Kara Wanzer:

We just have to figure out what they’re communicating and what function or what need is unmet for the child. Once we understand the child more in their circumstance, we start to see it a little differently and then we can really work on what that student or child needs.

Cathy Tormey: I would consider whether the child coming off a busy weekend. Whether the child’s coming off – if the behavior has all of the sudden changed.

Has the child been sick?

Are there changes going on in the family?

I would ask if anything’s different or special happened.

One of the kids recently had a pretty serious fall, and so now she’s frightened of going down the stairs. If I didn’t have that information, I wouldn’t be able to figure that out.

Jamie Vallarelli: When a child is really pushing my buttons, I really try to take deep breaths and I try to get to the bottom of the problem right away, and try to get to what’s really bothering the child and help them work through it rather than just implementing a consequence right away.

Janette Rivera: One of the things as a teacher that I do is observing the child.

Why is she doing this? you know, taking notes on what happened before, what happened after, and how can you get that child to communicate her needs. It’s very important to understand where she’s coming from too.

Kara Wanzer: One thing I ask teachers to keep in mind all of the time is to be reflective in their relationships that they have with parents and children. That’s the first thing that we need to think of as teachers when we enter a classroom. We’re also in a relationship with that child, so they are learning how to go about doing the right thing or what’s a really good pro social skill to have by just being in a relationship with you.

Anne Giardano: I think whenever we’re looking at the behavior of very young children, certainly we want to always look at medical types of things and rule that out. Is there something medical or is there something physical that might be impacting the child? Is the child hearing adequately?

Ann Gruenberg: Sometimes children have sensory differences that can affect how they behave, and they don’t always have deep-seated emotional issues associated with those.

Tanya Moorehead: If students are over stimulated, they might retreat, and their behavior might be interpreted by the teachers as there’s something wrong with them, and in turn if a student is under-stimulated, they might jump around make a lot of noise, because they’re trying to meet that need of being stimulated.

Ann Gruenberg: And there’s a lot of good information about children with patterns of language delays sometimes having behavioral issues because there are perpetually not able to express what they want or what they need using words. Michelle Levy: Sometimes stages of development involve behaviors that seem inappropriate or out of line but may actually be a natural phase that children go through.

Anne Giardano: Very young infants have a job of establishing security and safety so they are going to cry. That’s the only tool that they have to let you know that they need you. A more mobile infant is going to do a lot of exploring and starting to get into trouble. But we need to remember that that’s what they’re supposed to do at that age.

Michelle Levy: Toddlers often began to assert themselves by saying “no” over and over again, and that’s one of the ways in which they assert themselves.

Maureen Ostroff: I would never get through a book if I waited for everybody to sit down and not sit criss-cross applesauce, hands in your lap. And you can’t get eighteen adults to do everything the same way at one time, let alone eighteen three- and four-year-old. If you look at the standards, it’s not an expectation for all eighteen kids to sit there like this, and just look at a story.

Maureen: Once upon a time, there was a little old man and a little old woman.

How’d they feel?

Do you remember?

Maureen Ostroff: They’re not all going to sit, and this is why we do two small groups also for the story. And it’s okay if they’re touching the book during all that time, and they can grab the book from me. It’s alright; it’s just part of being three and four. Michelle Levy: I think having adults be able to look at the Early Learning Standards, consider what is typical in the development of these various skills can really provide a useful tool for both understanding child development and where things may be out of step.

Anne Giordano: We always need to be thinking about what might be a uniqueness that a particular child might be bringing. Some children are very auditory learners. Some children are very kinesthetic learners.

Child: A bunny, like this! Hop! Hop! Hop!

Janette Rivera: Every child is unique, and as a teacher, we all need to adjust. Step back and think about the child through observation, through play. Whether they’re shy or they’re more opened up. Child: I’m trying to be the doctor here.

Okay? I’m trying to save the baby.

You can be the nurse, okay?

Be the nurse.

You want to be the nurse?

Ruth Ettenberg Freeman: Most people think that their experience is what everyone’s feeling.

So if you like physical contact, you give a lot of physical contact and they might be trying to get space. They may be getting too much stimulation. You have to understand that your way of being in the world is relative.

Tanya Moorehead: How the family interacts with their child is very important. I think that’s how you find out about family culture. One child might be able to run around freely and explore their environment while the other one was taught to sit still and only move when an adult gives them permission to move. So if you have both within your classroom and you have one child exploring and the other child who’s timid or appears to be timid, it is not that one is not learning and one that is misbehaving, it’s that they’ve been taught differently within their households.

Yotisse Williams: Cultural influences are a very big part of, I would say, the child’s development.

In our classroom we really encourage self-help skills, and there’s one little guy I’m thinking of in particular, Dad does everything for him at home, and it’s a cultural thing you know, Mom has shared with me. But the thing about that is, when you have an environment that’s conducive to parents sharing, then you have an understanding of what those cultural influences are and how to support them.

Challenging Behavior

Also how to get the parents to see what you’re trying to do we have to back up a little bit and get to know their parents.

Anne Giordano: Every home brings its own culture.

What we can do is be up front about that and say, “Tell me a little bit more about your home when it comes to sleeping and eating.”

We need to learn about what the family routines are so that we can understand them and then partner with families to say, “well let’s work together on how we might be able to help your child master a new skill here.

Anne Giordano: Children’s external environment has a large impact on how they’re able to to manage themselves.

Highly destructible children are going to have a really hard time maintaining focus and attention and staying on task if they’re constantly bombarded with sound and activity. I think sometimes it’s a really good practice for teachers to maybe just sit on the floor, and just look around and listen.

One sort of general rule of thumb is if you have many children exhibiting the same behavior in a space, you might say to yourself huh I wonder whether we need to look at this environment.

If someone’s biting in the block corner, perhaps it’s too tight of an area and we’ve got too many children congregated there. We also can think about whether do we have too much space. So do we have children running all over and banging into one another.

Ashley Anderson: To me, having an environment that is calm and safe and free of run spaces so no one’s doing laps in the room—it really affects their behavior. I strive to have as many natural fibers and materials in my classroom as possible to lighten the mood and to bring it down to a calming level. Soft music playing during meal times. And so making sure that we are aware of what their environment at home is like and then adjusting our classroom environment.

Anne Giordano: If the child has had a lot change in their environment at home, maybe there’s been a disruption in where they’re living, maybe there’s been a family separation. Well they’re then having to function in environments with different expectations, and that’s a lot for a little one to learn the rules in all of those place. And while we’re not going to change those things, we need to kind of know about that.

Pat Kitchen: They just go with the flow and know that they need some positive reinforcement, everything’s gonna be okay. And they’re not verbalizing that and trying to talk about it but you know that’s affecting the behavior.

Anne Giordano: Children can only do what they know, right? They just haven’t learned new things yet. So, it’s our role as teachers, and parents, and caregivers to teach those new things, new skills for them and give them plenty of time to practice them and we have to be patient and remember that they are learning.

Toddler teacher: Oh no.

Stop. How are we using these balls?

How should we use them?

Can you feel how hard this is?

Feel it with your fingernail.

What would happen if it hit a friend?

What would happen if you threw it and it bumped a friend?

Ouch! That would make a big boo-boo.

We’re going to roll the balls; you may roll the balls.

Cathy Tormey: We do a lot of talking when there is inappropriate behavior. You know, I address that and I’ll say, “No, that’s not nice. Hitting hurts,” or “You took this away, and now she’s sad.” Child: Me. Cathy: Wait a minute, you have to use your words. Ask Lexi. Child: May I have please? I take it! Cathy: See? She shared with you.

Mary Watson Avery: Behavior is one of those things that adults think children should just kind of learn or pick up on their own. I ask teachers to think of it as, you know: would you expect them to learn how to read on their own?

If I want them to act this way, do they have the skills to do it and if they don’t how can I teach? How can I support them?

How can I remind them of what to do?

Preschool teacher: Dustin, he doesn’t know what you want to say unless you use your words.

What would you like to tell him? What would you like to tell him with your words?

Child: Please don’t do that.

Anne Giordano: All children from their earliest days learn how to regulate, learn how to feel safe, learn how to function based upon the very earliest attachment relationships that they’ve had. But we also know that not all of our children have had that good fortune. We have children who have experienced trauma. We’ve had children that have had disruptions in their home life. We’ve had children that are experiencing toxic stress all around them in their family lives and we have to remember that those children are going to come with us with really strong needs and usually those are the behaviors that are the hardest to manage and they need us the most.

But then what we have to do is remember that that child is asking for our help and really what they’re saying is that I feel unsafe and I feel insecure.

Kara Wanzer: It might not be something that we have control over but we do have control over helping them build more skill in emotional literacy and pro-social behaviors and things like that. There are times where it’s really important when we’re working with kids who really have a challenging behavior – so we’re talking persistent, over time, that’s interfering with their social relationships or their learning and for those kids they need a team.

Anne Giordano: These are times that we often need to think about what other referrals might be appropriate to support that child because it’s it may be bigger than what we can to re-mediate with in a center environment or in a care-giving environment. And we can work in tandem with them so that we are all working on the same the same goals in using the same strategies.

Kara Wanzer: It’s really important that we see the whole context of the situation and the whole child – what the situation is for a child; what their temperament is; what their environment is; what their home life is. What are this child’s strengths and then how can we build on what the child already has?

Anne Giordano: If we understand the root cause, and it takes some work to figure it out, but if we can understand that, it gives us an opportunity to teach.

And that’s really what we want to do, is use as a learning point for children to grow from, because much of it is practice and learning.

We have to teach them..

As found on Youtube

Breast Feeding

Breast Or Bottle Feeding



Breast  Feeding–

Which Is Best

There are lots of decisions to make when there’s a baby on the way.

One of the most controversial is the ever raging “breast or bottle” debate.

There are many people who have strong feelings on both sides of this issue, and many of them will try like a televangelist to get you on their side.

I’m not going to do that.

I’m going to give you the facts, and share some personal insight on the subject, which hopefully will leave you feeling good, whatever your choice.

Scientifically, breast milk is best.

There are nutrients in breast milk that help your child’s brain develop, and try as they might, formula makers cannot replicate these nutrients.

Breastfeeding protects your child from illnesses because, as long as he or she is nursing, they are protected by your immune system, which is much more developed than theirs.

Breast milk is very well tolerated by babies, and hardly ever causes gastric problems, and breastfed babies are less likely to be overweight.

But, realistically, the scientific facts are not the only things to be considered.

Women who simply don’t want to breastfeed will probably not be very successful.

Even some women who want to breastfeed will find it so difficult, that they are miserable trying to make it work.

Some women will have difficulty making enough milk to satisfy their baby’s hunger, and some women will suffer more pain with breastfeeding than they can endure.

If you fall into one of those categories, don’t beat yourself up.

Your baby can do quite nicely on formula, too.

When my daughter was born, I was anxious to breast feeding.

I had two boys, but one is my husband’s by a previous marriage, and the other was adopted at ten months, so this was my only chance to be pregnant and breastfeed.

I read all the books I could get my hands on, and like a fool, spent a bunch of money on a breast pump.

Well, it turns out that my nipples are not exactly a matched set, so my daughter completely rejected one nipple.

So, I nursed on the side she would take until my nipples looked like ground beef.

Plus, she was an eight pound eating machine at birth, and no matter how long I nursed her, I couldn’t satisfy her appetite.

Even with pumping from the breast that she rejected, she was always hungry.

I made myself crazy from it, worked with two different lactation consultants and tried every trick in the book, but still every attempt at nursing ended in tears.

After two miserable weeks, I gave in and put her on formula.

We have never looked back. I was happier because I wasn’t constantly frustrated, and she was happier because her tummy was full and because her Mommy was much more relaxed.

Now that I’ve told you that story, I’ll tell you this.

If I ever had another baby, I would try breastfeeding again.

Every baby is different, and a Mother’s body is different with each pregnancy.

I would try again to give my child the best from a nutritional standpoint.

But, I understand now that sometimes it just doesn’t work, or it isn’t right for you, and that doesn’t mean that you’re not a good Mom.

Breast or bottle is a personal choice. Weigh the facts and the preferences, and make the choice that is right for you and your baby.

Whatever you decide, you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Mother’s milk is one of the best foods for babies that anyone could think about.

It contains ample amount of proteins and nutrients which could beat any other health drink for your child.

The usefulness of this milk becomes more important because it protects the baby from some of the worst health problems.

There is no substitute for breast milk so providing this milk to your child would be the best thing to give to your child.

It has been studied that children who have been breastfed grow faster and are healthier than the ones who have not been breastfed


Breast milk contains lactoferrin which helps in absorption of iron and protects the intestine from any harmful bacteria.

The other component called lipases helps in digesting your fats which helps in baby’s growth and development.

It not only serves the purpose of providing nutrients to your child but also in serving the purpose to quench to your baby’s thirst and fill-in your baby’s stomach.

The IQ of the child also increases by providing breast milk.

It saves lot of time and money as you don’t have to sit up late night and mix the formula for your baby.

The cost baby food is also cut which gives more time for the mother to be with her baby.

It creates a bond between the mother and child which binds them together.

Nursing helps the mother to loose the extra pounds which she gained during her pregnancy.

It burns out lot of calories which helps in bringing back the original size.

If there are any chances of bleeding after child birth it lessens due to breast feeding.

The risk of breast and ovarian cancer is minimal.

Some common remedies to help breast feeding

-To arouse lactation for better quality and quantity, consumption of alfalfa is very useful
-To remove the hard feeling from your breast place a wet towel on your breast for 10 minutes which has been soaked in hot water
-Use of chamomile helps in controlling inflamed breast
-To minimize pain and inflammation, use of castor oil is very useful
-Having the baby in different positions for feeding also helps
-Consumption of fennel tea and almonds helps in increasing the milk production
-To relieve pain massaging Vitamin E oil on your breast is very good
-Having good amount of yogurt or curd helps in keeping the bacteria and other infection at bay


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Babies minor conditions like diaper rash

Babies can have a ton of little issues, and we worry ourselves silly over them, though most are no real threat to baby’s health.

Here are a list of the most common little ailments, how to treat them at home, and when to call the doctor.

· Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is caused by baby’s bottom being constantly exposed to wetness.

For most babies, changing their diaper a little more often and applying an over the counter cream are enough to solve the problem.

If all your measures don’t work, or if the rash looks different than a typical diaper rash, call the doctor.

The main cause of diaper dermatitis is simply contact of urine on the skin.

Between diaper changes, urine begins to break down into ammonia and other chemical by-products.

Fecal matter in the diaper area, between diaper changes, can cause the rapid proliferation of bacteria and or fungus which can infect the already irritated diaper area.

Obviously, the breakdown of urine, its continual contact with the skin, and resulting skin irritation, begins the all too common diaper rash syndrome.

It was thought that Luvs, Pampers and other disposable diapers would be a better answer than the common cloth diaper.

The new diapers were better.

The most important treatment in healing diaper rash is PREVENTION!

Prevent urine from coming into contact with the baby’s tender skin by putting a barrier on the skin that prevents urine and fecal matter from contact with tender bottoms by barrier action.

Creams like Grandma El’s, or Aquapher as it’s smoothed on baby’s diaper area to create a barrier that allows the skin to breathe, while keeping moisture and other irritants from penetrating to the skin.

This preventative action of those creams is accompanied by a healing, soothing action to stop the beginning of irritation that produces the diaper rash.

It is important that the skin is always able to breathe to induce the healing process.

Many diaper rash products are heavy creams, pastes or lotions.

While some will create a barrier to keep moisture away from the skin, these products DO NOT have the capability of allowing the skin to breathe.

Thereby, the existing moisture can not be released and the healing process is hindered dramatically.

It is recommended that you use a semi-occlusive ointment such as Aquaphor or Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention.

Young hipster father changing nappy / diaper rash to his little baby daughter


These are some frequently asked questions about diaper rash:

What is diaper rash?
1. It is an irritation of the skin in the peri-anal area that is most often caused by ammonia forming due to urine breakdown.

What causes diaper rash?
1. It is caused by prolonged contact of a urine soaked diaper on a baby’s skin.

The skin turns red and tissue breaks down, creating a rash.

This worsens as the skin remains in contact with urine and feces.

2. Chafing or rubbing of diaper or pull ups on the area
3. Possible allergic reaction to diaper
4. Bacterial or fungal infection in rash area
5. Allergic reaction to food can cause urine to be irritating

Who can get diaper rash?
1. It is common on babies between the ages of 2-24 months
2. It also can occur on babies whose diapers are not changed frequently
3. It may also occur on babies who are taking antibiotics or are nursing while mother might be taking antibiotics
4. It can also occur on babies as they begin to eat solid foods (allergic reaction)

What are the symptoms of diaper rash?
1. Red, irritated, and possibly warm skin in and around the stomach, genitals, and inside the skin folds of the thighs and bottom
2. Pain, burning and itching, and an unhappy baby!

Is diaper rash contagious?
1. Diaper rash is almost never a contagious skin condition

What do I do if my child has diaper rash?
1. Apply Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy and Prevention at every diaper change, after cleansing the area well, and blotting dry

How can I prevent diaper rash?
1. Apply any Diaper Rash cream with every diaper change
2. Change your baby’s diaper often, and keep the area dry and clean
3. Use a gentle cleanser formulated especially for babies’ skin
4. After washing your baby, gently pat dry the area, do not rub the area
5. Make sure the diapers used fit properly, so they do not rub against the skin

How long does diaper rash usually last?
1. In general without treatment, a diaper rash will last several days if not infected. If left untreated, a severe case can last up to 10-14 days or more

What types of products are not acceptable in treating diaper rash?
1. Ointments, with the exception of Grandma El’s are occlusive, preventing skin respiration. Only a semi-occlusive ointment, works properly.
2. Creams are usually somewhat drying, have no protective activity, and allow all types of external stimuli (urine, feces, and allergens) to contact the skin causing further problems. Therefore, creams are not a good choice for a baby’s rash treatment.
3. Lotions are not protective at all, and therefore have little value in treating or preventing diaper rash.
4. Some soaps and detergents can cause allergic sensitivity to further the breakdown of baby’s delicate bottom.

Should I call my pediatrician?
1. If after several days, the rash is still visible, consult your pediatrician
2. If the rash has blisters or bumps, is oozing pus or bleeding, consult your pediatrician
3. If your baby has a rash and fever, consult your physician
4. If your baby has a rash and has urine that smells stronger than usual, or many loose stools, consult your pediatrician
5. If after properly treating your baby’s diaper rash, it still persists, consult your pediatrician

What other types of diaper rash occur if proper treatment is not begun?
Rash can further break down allowing either bacteria, or fungus to take hold and infect the skin.

Common organisms causing the infection are E. Coli (bacteria) and other fungal infections such as Candida Albicans

How can I treat diaper rash infected with bacteria or fungi?

Consult your physician immediately and he or she will prescribe a suitable anti-bacterial or anti-fungal product to eradicate the infection

What other types of diaper dermatitis exist?
Contact irritants such as urine, fecal matter, poison ivy, oak or sumac, insect bites, soap allergy, rough rather than soft clothing causing skin abrasions, infrequent diaper changes, and poor skin cleansing techniques

Is diaper rash a common problem?
Yes, diaper rash is a common problem.

To help prevent diaper rash, change diapers frequently, keep the area dry, and use no cloth diapers.

Definitely use some Rash Remedy and Prevention cream and ask your pediatrician or nurse for advise and access to medication and support.

  • Cradle Cap –

Cradle cap is an oily, yellow scaling or crusting on a baby’s scalp.

It is common in babies and is easily treated. Cradle cap is not a part of any illness and does not imply that a baby is not being well cared for.

What causes cradle cap?

Cradle cap is the normal buildup of sticky skin oils, scales, and sloughed skin cells.

How is it treated?

Cradle cap is not harmful to your baby and it usually goes away by a baby’s first birthday.

Cradle cap is the presence of scales on the baby’s scalp, and usually occurs in very young infants.

It is actually a form of dermatitis, and usually is not bothersome to the child.

For most babies, a massage using petroleum jelly followed by a shampoo will take care of the problem.

Try this at every bath until the problem stops recurring.

Cradle cap is worsened by sweating, so keep your baby’s head cool, avoiding the use of hats.

If these measures don’t work, your doctor can prescribe an ointment or shampoo.

Babies typically outgrow cradle cap within the first six months of life.

· Mystery Fever –

Nearly all babies have this at one time or another.

A low grade fever, with no other accompanying symptoms.

If your baby is under two months of age, you should seek medical attention with any fever.

Otherwise, as long as the fever doesn’t go above 102°F, you need not treat it unless it is making your baby uncomfortable or unable to sleep.

Fever is the body’s way of fighting infection, so don’t rush to treat a fever, if your baby is otherwise healthy.

Keep her cool, give her plenty of fluids, watch and wait.

Talk to your doctor or consult your pediatrician about his guidelines regarding when to call him concerning a fever.

Regardless, any fever which reaches 105° rectally, or a fever accompanied by signs of dehydration (infrequent urination, sunken fontanel, dry lips), or a feverish baby who has a stiff neck, is limp or has purple spots on the skin, is an emergency and should be treated immediately.

These are three of the most common minor baby ailments.

Though it’s comforting to know how to treat these at home, never hesitate to call your doctor if you think it’s necessary.

A Mother’s intuition is a powerful thing.

If you think something’s amiss, it probably is, so check it out, even if it’s only to satisfy your own mind.


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An Introduction to a Baby Car Seat

Becoming a parent for the first time involves a huge amount of learning, as there are hundreds of things involved which childless people will have had no reason to come across before, nor had any incentive to learn about.

When you first learn of the impending new arrival, your thoughts will probably be taken up with decorating and equipping a nursery, buying clothes, bottles, and much more, but many people don’t think of a baby car seat until later on in the pregnancy.

It’s very important to make sure you know what to look for in a child car seat, as after all, you will need one on your baby’s very first journey, from the hospital back to home.

This being an introduction and overview to car seats for babies and toddlers, individual laws are governing the use of car seats within each State, Worldwide.

Ensure you have the correct information because you may be within the legal parameters driving in one State but then become illegal in another.

Ensure if you purchase online, the safety certificate and car seat design can be used within your own country.

Buying a second-hand car seat could be a false economy and place your child in danger.

For the baby first journey, you will need a seat which faces towards the rear of your vehicle.

Mother driving a car, having her little baby girl in a child car seat

This provides the best protection in the event of an impact for an infant who is unable yet to support the weight of their own head.

The seat will be nicely reclined backwards, providing a safe and comfortable cocoon for your baby.

It’s important to choose a rear-facing seat which is sturdy and dependable, yet light to carry.

Young babies sleep a little and often, and the last thing you want to do after finally getting your child to sleep in a car journey is to wake them by removing them from their warm and comfortable seat.

Having an easily detachable model which is light to carry means you can ferry your baby from car to house with as little disturbance as possible.

These rear facing seats are only suitable for younger infants.

Once they’ve grown to weigh around 20 pounds, or the top of their head is nearing the upper edge of the seat and thus no longer protected properly, you will need to move to a forward facing seat but ensure you are complying with your state law because ignorance offers no defense and places your child in danger.

You may only become aware of this when you are involved in an accident, at which point, it could be too late to rectify your mistake

These seats are much more upright, but better models can be adjusted to provide a more horizontal position to help your toddler sleep during longer journeys.

Because of the upright position, it’s essential that your child is able to sit up on their own before using this kind of seat.

Forward facing seats are built to last for a fair few years, and most will be good until your child reaches the age of 4 or 6.

The UK law requires all children travelling in the front or rear seat of any car, van or goods vehicle must use the correct child car seat until they are either 135 cm in height or 12 years old (which ever they reach first). After this they must use an adult seat belt.

There are very few exceptions.

For the USA and Canada, please look under for individual state advice.

There are laws in each Australian state and territory that regulate which car seat you need for your child from birth to 16 years.

Up to six months: Your baby must be restrained in an approved rearward-facing child restraint like an infant capsule or a convertible car seat specially designed for newborn babies.

From six months to four years old: Your child must be in either a rearward-facing or forward-facing child restraint, such as a child safety seat.

From four years old to seven years old: Your child must be in either a forward-facing child restraint or a booster seat restrained by a correctly adjusted and fastened seatbelt or child safety harness.

From seven years old to 16 years old: Your child must use a booster seat or a seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened.

You can check with the road authority in your state or territory for more information.

It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that children under the age of 14 years are restrained correctly in accordance with the law.

Little baby girl in a car in a child car seat

Before we finish, there are two extremely important things to bear in mind when buying a car seat.

Firstly, you should be very careful when buying one that isn’t brand new.

Although it might seem like an economy to get a second hand seat, there’s no way of knowing for sure its history.

It may have been involved in an accident at some point in the past, resulting in weaknesses that may not be visible to the naked eye.

These weaknesses could endanger your baby even in a minor accident.

You should only buy a used seat when you can be absolutely sure of the history – such as when buying off close friends or family.

Finally, baby car seats shouldn’t be fitted in front seats where an airbag is fitted.

In an accident, the inflation of the airbag could cause serious injury or suffocation to a child, so always fit car seats in the rear of the vehicle in this case.


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Top 10 best child car seats By Anna Studman



Getting the right child car seat and fitting it properly is crucial for protecting your baby in a crash – if it’s not the right one, then your child could sustain far more severe injuries.

Our guide to buying child car seats tells you everything you need to know about how to choose the right one, including what are the important factors to consider and how to make sure it fits your car.

Make sure your child is protected at every stage of their life, from birth to around 12 years old, with our child car seat video buying guide..

There is a lot of evidence to show that staying rearward facing for longer is much safer and we do test extended rearward facing car seats, you can find the best and worst we’ve tested here:…


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